Chapter 39: Dark Plans

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(Gore, Violence and Mature content... Same old.. Stuff Lol)

This chapter is going to be a bit longer. And it holds a lot of action-packed parts... So..


Naruto's P.O.V

I scanned my surroundings carefully while quickly dragging a lifeless body into the same room me and Ray met up in, the first time.

Ray sighed and dragged in one as well, behind me.

Of course, I, was the one who killed them.

Ray's a chicken.

But all jokes aside.. My rage is getting the best of me.

I swear..

I've been thinking about that text and phone call every since..

If they lay, even a finger on Hinata, I'll rip their heads off and shove it up their fucking asses.

I don't give a fuck..

I smirked darkly at the thought but then slid the lifeless bodyguard's bodies under the bed, my tux framing my muscular build nicely.

Ray stood there as I worked in the other guy, watching me silently with a smirk on his face.

"You know, you work really flawlessly, while covering up a crime.. Just wanted to let you know that.." He complimented playfully making me chuckle.

I looked up at him as I sat on my legs, the men perfectly hidden.

"Well thank you, Ray. At least someone respects my work. Now, let's get a move on. The faster we do this the faster they'll arrive." I said impatiently and stood up, watching Ray as he made his way to the entrance.

He stared back at me and smirked "Uh, are ya coming?" He asked slyly making me grin, my mind referring back to our conversation outside.

I can't just let that comment go..

"Oh so now, you're the gay one? Who would've thought." I added back just as slyly making him click his tongue in anger, his head nodding sarcastically..

"Ha ha. Very funny." He commented and walked out of the room, and down the hall, while I laughed my ass off.

I knew we were loud as fuck but..

We killed just about everyone in this hall..

We both walked side by side as we came up to the double doors the bodyguards once stood in front of, we stopping dead in our tracks..

Well, this is it..

Gato's, probably in here..

I stared at it and blew out a deep breath, turning my head to eye the expression on Ray's face..

Which, was the same as mines..


He turned to me and soon mouthed..

"You ready?"

I felt soamy emotions from those two words..

I felt rage, and bloodlust..

I wanted so badly to put rounds into Gato.. To end him and end whoever he sends at us..

But I also felt.. Nervous..

One move.. It could be all over for us..

Power or no power.. I'm still human.. And Ray is too..

Who knows what's waiting for us behind these doors..

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