Chapter 27: Facing The Darkness

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Naruto's P.O.V.

I whistled in satisfaction and exited out the girls local restroom in the mall, leaving cum filled bodies of the girls I raped violently behind from before..

Ahh.. That was nice.

I smirked and walked quickly down to a flower shop.

I've been here way too long.

I need to just go to the places I gotta go to, get what I need and hurry back.

I quickly pulled my phone out of my wrinkled jeans and stared down at the time and immediately cursed.

My phone read.. 9:45 p.m.

Damn it all to hell.

Hinata's probably fucking sleep now.


I walked into the flower store and looked around the store rapidly.

I sighed dramatically when I didn't really see what I came for...

Ah well..

I turned and walked up to the counter and eyed the man who stood there.

He looked up at me shyly, his blue eyes staring at me slightly.

He also had grey hair which was, a little odd.

My blue eyes darkened and I scowled, getting straight to the point "Alright. I'm kinda running late. So no bullshit. I need Lilac flowers and I need them now." I demanded, controlling him instantly.

He nodded dumbfoundly and walked around the counter towards me "Lilac flowers are right this way sir." He instructed and led the way while I followed.

I huffed in annoyance and followed him into an aisle that held purple, beautiful flowers that shouted out Hinata's name.

I gasped at the sight...

He smiled and grabbed a few for me, turning towards me slowly "Lilacs, are said to be the most peaceful flower in the world. Their bloom really doesn't take that long and when they do.. Their worth the wait. Their extremely gorgeous." He commented and handed me a bag of purple Lilacs from the aisle.

I smiled and took them from him and held them in my hand tightly "Thank you sir. I'll tell this to my woman." I said with a chuckle making him chuckle.

"The pleasure's all mine. Now to hurry the time. Let's pay and get you on your way." He instructed and walked back to the counter quickly, me tagging along as well.

I stepped up to the counter again, following him that entered behind the counter.

He typed in my order and nodded at me "$7.23." He spoke and tapped on his cash register rapidly, tallying up my order.

I nodded and pulled out my wallet, slowly from my pocket.

I opened it and skimmed my eyes through the bunch of stacked up money I had from.. Things I did with my gang.

As in the missions I did with them...

I would say now, I'm financially straight...

I chuckled at my own humor and took out another $100 dollar bill.

I looked back up at him and handed it to him, his eyes widening "There ya go." I said and he nodded slowly at me.

He took the cash but then side glance me, taking a good look at me "Hey, you look, very familiar." He commented making me raise an eyebrow, my eyes narrowing.

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