Chapter 43: Sad Times

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So.. As the title says.. Yeah, this chapter will be very, very sad, just as the other chapters which will soon come.

It was actually depressing to write so..

Just wanted to let you all know that we, are a couple of chapters away from finishing this story up..

But.. In the meantime..


Hinata's P.O.V

I was woken up with a small shake of my body, my eyes slowly opening from my deep sleep..

Which was very peaceful by the way..

"N-Naruto.." I whispered out as I opened my eyes fully, the figure I wanted changing to reality.

Ino sat on the sheets at my feet, her body hovering over me, while she was lightly shaking my arms.

"W-Wake up, Hinata. Something's wrong." She said frantically making my eyes widen.

I sat up slowly making her sit up, my hand coming to rub at my head.

I groaned but then looked up at Ino who stared at me worriedly, my eyes straying to Naruto's spot on the bed...

Which was.. Completely empty..

I gulped before questioning.. "Wh-Where's Naruto?" I asked quietly, my heart beating faster..

No.. This can't be real..

She closed her eyes slowly but then opened them again, facing me fully "That's the thing, Hinata... He never came back home, last night."

A Few Minutes Later

Everyone sat in the living room with worried expressions on their faces.

Ray paced back and forth in front of one of the chairs while Stefan and Leo both tried calling him or at least tracking him down.

I stared sadly down at my lap, my heart slowly breaking.

Oh no.. What if something bad happened to him?

Or what if nothing happened?

What if he just grew tired and stayed at the club?

But, he promised that he would come back. He wouldn't just go breaking promises with me..

Would he?

I sighed but then suddenly felt hands wrap themselves around my shoulders, bringing me back into a warm body to my left on the sofa.

Tsunade hummed and placed my head down to lie on her lap, my body relaxed on her.

"It's okay, Hinata. We'll find him. We just need a little time and patience." She said warmly as she started to run her hand through my long violet hair, soothing my mind and body.

I nodded and snuggled intomore, feeling a little better..

But it still wasn't enough.

I need to see Naruto, okay. I want to see him safe and sound again...

But, where could he possibly be?

Leo tapped away at his computer, once again pulling up the private log to track down any gang member in the country.

And you would think that would be illegal..

Maybe it is...

Stefan, on the otherhand dialed in Naruto's number and placed it by his ear, his face stoic from listening to 9 voicemails back to back.

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