chapter twenty

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After Les let you go, you went with Davey to sit on a central bunk. It was odd following him around, but in all honesty, he was the only person who you felt comfortable around. Usually, if you were Frank you could've been comfortable around the boys. However, with this whole new world of you being yourself, who had just been exposed for pretending to be someone else, it was almost like you didn't know anyone anymore.

"Guys," you spoke. A few of them looked up, kind of startled by your natural speaking voice. "I want to tell you the whole story."

Then, like at a campfire, newsies from all across the lodge congregated around you to hear the story. So you told, from start to finish. Every painstaking detail. From the morning your mother caught small pox to Spot Conlon on Davey's fire escape. It was a lot to swallow, but you hoped they'd understand.

"I guess—" you inhaled, "I guess I didn't tell you guys before, because I was scared. It was new and I was alone, I'm sorry."

The room fell silent, and you could hear Race shifting his weight on the squeaky mattress. Out of your peripherals, you could see Davey slowly moved his hand closer you. You assumed it was to calm you down, and assure everything was okay.

"Well," Race said, sarcastically huffing as he stood. "If that ain't a good story, I don't know what is."

You found yourself beginning to chuckle. So maybe they might've been slightly surprised, or maybe disappointed, but they still welcomed you as one of their own, just as they had before when you were Frank. You smiled and accepted that things might be different, but they were different in a good way.

Davey poked your finger, and you looked over at him, your eyebrow arched in curiosity.

"I need to leave so I can get Les home before it gets too dark," he paused, and slightly frowned. "You'll be alright without me, until tomorrow, right?"

You smiled and nodded. It touched your heart that he cared enough to make sure you were comfortable, and that you were fine without the one person who had seemed to be with you throughout your whole journey.

He inhaled and stood up, slightly bumping his head on the top bunk, since he was so tall. You held back a chuckle, and he turned around to smile at you. He grabbed Les and headed for the door.

"Bye everyone, see you all tomorrow!" He hollered behind himself. A chorus of newsies erupted in goodbyes and a variety of other ridiculous shouts.

So that left you with the rest of the newsies, sitting in the bunkhouse. You thought that you might get to know some of the boys.

You found yourself sitting on JoJo's bunk, talking to both him and Albert. The two boys who might've been very rough and joking when you first met them, now treated you with respect and made sure you felt included.

As of now, the three of you had begun to play a game. The goal was to tell the stupidest joke and to get the other people to laugh. If you laughed, then you lost. Albert who was sitting on the floor was currently going.

"Okay," he paused as he thought about his next move, "what has four legs, two heads, and the inability to win in a fight against me." He joked, bragging on his part.

"It doesn't exist." JoJo said, joking that anyone could beat Albert in a fight if they really wanted to. You chuckled as Albert mumbled "The Delancey Brothers", the real answer of his joke. Soon enough the three of you were all in hysterics over JoJo's answer.

The three of you were laughing when all of a sudden, Race appeared.

He shimmed his way to sit beside you on the bunk, taking you by surprise. You had assumed he'd sit with Albert. And at that, not directly next to you, his thigh touching yours.

"Howdy, Shortstack." He said, grinning at you, before turning to the boys. "JoJo, Albert."

The boys nodded, although JoJo looked entirely suspicious.

"Well!" He huffed, as he rocked back on his butt before shooting up. This behavior was entirely suspicious. "I'd thought I'd give you a tour of the lodging house." He said, turning to you.

Part of you wanted to be nice and go with him, but if you were being honest you were going to wait for Davey to come back and show you around, not to mention you didn't want to leave the Spot you'd been sitting in. Race might've been rough around the edges at first, but he was a good soul once you got down to it. In the end, you decided that you'd go, to make it up to him after training you as a newsie.

"I don't see why not." You said, shrugging as you began to stand up.

"I wanna come!" JoJo piped up, "I know some great hiding spots."

"Me too!" Albert chimed in. It was apparent that everyone wanted to come. You nodded, thinking it would be fun with all the company. However, Race was one step ahead.

"Nope, we'll be fine." He said, already walking away. "Maybe we'll have a hide-and-seek tour later." He trailed off as you grabbed your wrist to follow him.

You reluctantly sped up to catch up to him, slightly tripping on your skirt.

"So, where do we start?"

"Obviously the penthouse."

So, you followed Race through the hallways of the lodge, having no idea where you were going. All the while JoJo and Albert were extremely suspicious.

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