chapter twenty-four

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DAVEY AND YOURSELF began the monumental trip over to Brooklyn. It wasn't that long of a trip compared to the people spent months in covered wagons going out west, but walking all across New York on foot was still a lot. You had built up some resistance to all the walking in your time being a newsie, not to mention you'd travelled this path before. Although, you did wish there was a shortcut, that way you could get down to finding Jack faster.

The two of you had walked all the way to the bridge by the time the sun had reached the top of the sky. It was good timing considering the whole plan had been configured in a matter of minutes.

"So, what do I do when we get there?" Davey asked. It was almost funny. After everything everyone had been through, especially the amount of times you'd met with Brooklyn, he was still obviously kind of spooked. "I know you know Spot, but I'm still unfamiliar with all this."

"Don't worry," you smiled at him, "just act natural and don't be afraid to say anything. Spot's all bark and no bite, at least what I've seen."

The two of you had crossed over into Brooklyn territory and you began to see the speck of red clothes throughout the streets. In fact, you saw a particular speck of red coming up on the horizon.

Greaser was slinking his way through the streets, now sporting another nasty bruise on his chin and several more smudges of dirt along his face.

"Hey, Greaser!" You yelled down the streets, attracting the attention of several other Brooklyn newsboys. The lanky boy had snapped his thin head over to you and began walking closer.

"You can tell Spot that Manhattan's coming," you said, "just so he has a little time to prepare." You couldn't help but feel a smirk on your face, the idea that the king of Brooklyn needed a heads up for you was amusing. Apparently it wasn't the only this amusing because Greaser was smirking again. He knew something.

"Glad you broke out of your chain, Shortstack." He said before running off.

"What the-" Davey asked, and you couldn't help but wonder the same thing. What did he know, and what the heck didn't that mean? What chain had you been in? Whatever it was, Greaser was already gone in an instant like always.

You and Davey were confused, but still travelled onward, up to that old abandoned office by the port.


By the time you and Davey had reached the meeting spot for the Brooklyn gang, it was about one o' clock. Greaser has beat you guys back, and let you up immediately. Thankfully, it didn't seem like Spot had any scheduling conflicts. The two of you walked into the main room to see Spot, sitting down and shining his shoes himself.

"Spot," You said, grabbing his attention. He looked up and his eyes widened.

"You guys look like you've just had a fight with the Devil himself!" He exclaimed, his mother hen instincts kicking in. He wasn't wrong either, you knew you looked awful, judging by the fact that bruises were now escorting in new amounts of pain. Spot curbed his concern to get the introductions over with.

"Frank- uh" he stumbled over his words. "Shortstack," he corrected himself. He stood up and walked closer, offering out his hand to shake to both you and Davey. It made you realize that Spot didn't actually know your name.

"[Y/n]," you corrected, giving him a slight smile as you shook his hand. He nodded. He moved over to Davey to shake the taller boy's hand, and Davey didn't hesitate to introduce himself.

"Davey, [Y/n]'s fellow co-president of the newsboy union and strike." He spoke, eyes looked over to you, and a small smile creeping up on his face.

"Co-presidents, aye?" Spot asked, "I'd think that Jackie Boy should be taking up more of his presidential responsibilities from the two of you, seems like you'se two are doing all the work. Speakin' of, where's Jack?" He asked.

You looked at Davey before explaining. "Speaking of, that's one of the reasons why we're here." You started.

"We can't find Jack." Davey followed up.

"Ever since the fight, he's been gone. He hasn't returned to the lodge or tried to contact any of us."

Spot looked to the ground to think about it. "That's odd, it's not like him to abandon the boys. If I see him, I'll let you guys know." You nodded in thanks before nearly jumping out of your skin as you remembered the real reason you were here.

"Now to what we're actually here for," you started, "Davey had a genius idea, care to explain Dave?" You allowed to let him elaborate on his idea, as he hadn't had much talking to do at this point.

"We're planning on having a rally for all the newsboys, no purpose other than to explain the strike and how we can all work together, we came to formally invite you." He clarified.

Spot nodded. "Noted," he started, "I'd love to come but what time? I don't want any of the boys having to miss out on sellin'–" Spot began trying to explain but apparently Davey had already thought this out.

"We're having it later in the day, so no newsie misses a day of work." He quipped back. You caught yourself smiling at Davey and the way he'd come out of his shell. It was refreshing to see the boy who had once wanted nothing to do with the strike now being its main rallying force.

Meanwhile, you could see Spot smirk.

"You guys really do have everything planned out, don't cha?" He asked, laughing. Both Davey and yourself snickered, it did seem like everything had come together quite well.

"Well, you can count Brooklyn in."

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