chapter thirty-five

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YOU'D RACED BACK TO Pulitzer's office, hoping to catch up with the others. The plan had been clear from the start. You were to deliver all the articles you had on you and report to the outside of The World so you could march up to Pulitzer and give him a piece of your mind. By the time the sun was fully risen you all had expected the city to be in complete and utter disarray.

You caught your breath outside by a fountain as you waited for Davey, Jack, and Spot. Katherine was already inside, playing it like she had nothing to do with the practical blackout. You'd honestly hoped that Race could've come with you all, since he had been so integral to the strike, but you also knew it was important for someone to watch over the rest of the boys.

Spot came through the gates, Davey not trailing far behind. The two boys, extremely contrasting in appearance, jogged up to you.

"All we're waiting on is Jackie?" Spot questioned.

You gave him a nod, too nervous to say anything. You glanced down at your hands to see them shaking. You didn't know why you were so nervous. You had seen much worse after all. You'd been beaten by the Delancey's and faced the King of Brooklyn head on, so why were you so scared of the final nail in the coffin? Your existential questions were cut short by Davey, you reached out and took your hands in his.

You looked up to his face, to see a gentle grin, one that gave you all the peace in the world. A sense of warmth and comfort spread through your body as you looked at Davey. This is what this had all been for. For Davey. For the boys. For your mom. All these hardships, and the most recent nerves were for this. You returned his smile, and you bet you could see Spot out of the corner of your eye giving his own happy grin.

"Just a little longer." Davey said.

"Just a little longer." You repeated.

You were cut short by everyone's favorite neighborhood cowboy coming through the gates.

Jack Kelly bore one copy of the article and his wad of cash in hand. It seemed as if he was prepared to end this thing as well.

"You guys ready?" He asked, his own voice having another sense of nervousness to it.

You gave a nod, as did Davey, but Spot pitched in his own "you bet."

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