Chapter 11

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The sun shine through the curtains.
As Dick looked up the clock reading 6:30 A.M he groaned and stretched as he got up out of his bed reminiscing last night. He creeped towards the door going down the long hall towards Mar'i's room. He had the perfect idea for today.

Slowly opening her door he went to her bed to wake her up. Slowly shaking her. " Mar'i........are you up?"

She groaned with a reply of yes. She then flicked her eyes realizing who it was surprised.

" dad?" She asked. " what are you doing here so early?" She tiliting her head sideways.

"Go Get dressed and meet me downstairs."

" Why?"

" Just wait you'll see."

He walked out the door shutting it. Mar'i got up and went to the huge pile of clothes that belonged to Stephanie When she then dropped off yesterday.

Putting on and purple T-shirt and leggings she slide on some converse and brushed her hair and teeth pulling through her thick long black hair.

Quickly leaving her room walking downstairs where she saw her dad patiently waiting by the couch.

"Hey." She awkwardly smiled. " Soooooo......What's going on."

He smiled and whispered." Come on follow me."

They walked towards a garage which was filled a few cars.

Pointing towards one they both climbed in quietly slamming the doors .

" Wow What is this?"

" This." Tapping his hand on the steering wheel. " is a car where we can basically take this bad boy and get to places a lot quicker than on foot."

" Wow on Tamaran we never had such a thing we had ships but not this!"

" Yeah this is MY baby Jason always try's to take it from me when he knows I can kick his damn ass." He chuckled.

Pulling out driving out of the Gate of the manor driving to who knows where. mar'i sat quietly staring out the window in the blistering awkward silence.

Out of nowhere she blurted, " Do you hate me?"

Shocked Dick bit his bottom lip," What! no! What makes you think that?"

" Well you see it's just that every since I arrived we shared this moment the first night then the next day you acted like I never even exist.......not even looking at me. Di....did I do something wrong?" Looking at him her green eyes shimmering with worriness.

Rubbing the back of his hand with one hand in the wheel he sighed and said, " God no Mar'i......god I'm sorry the way I've been treating you the past couple of days it''s just the past couple of days have been full of well everything. I've just been so nervous and scared this while being a parent thing is brand new to me and I really don't know how to do it. It's no excuse for my actions and I'm really sorry-."

Mar'i interrupted, " Do I remind you of her is that one reason why".

He gulped, " Yes, you do remind me of her and god no it's not a reason I want to be there for you I want to be your father you know I read those letters your mother wrote to me and i hate myself for missing so much of your childhood and I just never knew about you. Your mom..... she just left without explanation I was devastated weeks, months, a couple years and it still hurts me why I never knew why she left without a trace."

" Hey." She said. "It's okay, I forgive you you didn't know I'm just glad I finally met you ever since I was little I always wanted to meet you she Never spoke of you much but she told me magnificent stories of the adventures you two went on I admired you well ever since I could remember." Smiling.

The next few minutes were of silence as they arrived to where Dick wanted to go.

They arrived to a tall abandoned apartment building that looked over the Downtown Gotham skyline.

" Uhhhhhhh wonderful?" Mar'i confused.

" I know I know but come on up and you'll see."

Walking towards the side of the building dick began to climb up with his incredible athletic abilities.

Amazed at how her father could do easily make his way up the tall building without a slip she flyed up making sure no one could see them catching up to him.

Making it up to the top he daughter his breath and said," Over here." Motioning to a corner of the roof but the edge.

Slowly walking towards and sitting down she asked, " What is it?"

He smiled and said, " Just wait it's coming."

About ten minutes later Mar'i could see what he was talking about. A sunrise she had never witness before painted the Gotham skyline in bright yellow, Orange, Red with a shard of Pink. Reminding her of Her home planets land.

" Wow." Her eyes popping out, glistening. " This is wonderful I never seen anything like it."

" I know, I Come her when I need to think. It's reminded me that it's a new day different form yesterday and the day before that and that it's a new day you can do anything different."

They both watched as the sun continued to rise up above the world a new day as the sky soon faded to a bright blue with cloud covering the skyline.

" Dick- Dad thank you so much for showing me this it's wonderful."

" Mar'i thank you for  giving me a chance."

They both wrapped and engulfed each other in a hug.

Soon releasing one another went down the building heading back towards the car.

" Soooo what else can we do?" Asking happily.

" Well how about I take you shopping for anything you want clothes, decorations  that is if you want to stay liking in the manor or move into my apartment in Bluhaven I could get you enrolled in the school there?"

" Why yes that would be wonderful!!" Jumping onto him giving him a bone crushing hug. " THANK YOU THANK YOU!"

Trying to get her to release him he winced, " your welcome Mar'i but please-i - can't- breathe".

" X'hal I'm so sorry."

Laughing. " it's okay you know your mother did the exact same thing to me."

" Really yeah it hurt like hell when she did it to everyone." Both Chuckling.

" Soooo what are we waiting for." Mar'i Asked.

It's happening Kor'i it's really happening.


Hey guys please comment your ideas below and what you think about the story so far😊😊 *Also hope everyone had a Merry Christmas 🎄🎁

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