ONE SHOT: Homeless Girl and Wordless Dragon

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One-shot: Homeless Girl and Wordless Dragon

By: skyewright


Unknown POV:

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Time was seeming to stand still and I could only hold my breath as I stared at the scene laying in front of me. Sticks scattered the moist dirt floors as patches of moss was spotted trailing up along the towering trees, catching drops of rain. Few leaves collected on the ground were grass had grown high enough to tickle the tip of my ankle, but it wasn't anything that could just simply grow in a forest that caught my attention.

The recent downpour of rain was what had caused me to make a break for the forest grounds. The change of the weather had caught me by surprise and with no protection against the harsh pelting, I could only see reason to catch cover under the trees. So I quickly ran for the woods taking my chances in the place I have called home on some restless nights.

As I finally had made it under the security of the branches, I took my time shaking the water out of my dark hair and holey clothes that had come from the homeless shelter. With being an orphan with no orphanage or even money, I got my necessities where I could. I did what I could to survive and get by, even if it meant I was a rat living on the streets. Finally after the feeling of being drenched disappeared, I was left quivering from the cold and that's when I started to get wind of the noises.

I wasn't sure what to make of them, but I could tell something was wrong. My heart beat picked up as I felt something deep down inside me coil up in anxiety. Against my thoughts of danger, I made my way towards the sounds, not even taking the time to realize no other disturbances of animals were made. The closer I got I could make out the sounds of an animals cry, but bird like as it screeched alerting its presence to the woods. It sounded like it was suffering, crying out as if these moments were it's lasts.

As soon as that registered with my brain, I took off running determined to get to this creature before it fell on it's death bed. My feet pounded against the earth and what felt like hours later but in reality was minutes later, I stumbled across the source of the sounds. Nothing could prepare for what I would see next.

My breath was ripped from me, as I stood choking silently on air, telling myself there was no way this was possible.

It was beautiful. Never had I seen something like this but here it was laying directly in front of me. Laying down folded into its wings was a beast I had only heard in fantasy's, making me second guess if this was real. But it was as real as it could get, as the steady rise and fall of it's chest proved anything.

It's skin was glassy white, almost as if it was see through while two pure clear spikes protruded out from it's head pointing towards it's rigged back. The creature held long boney limbs bent into a curled position as they were spotted with sections of on-growing scales. It's folded wings laid across it's unnaturally thin body, acting as a blanket, while the tips gently faded into a clear horned shaped claw. Matching talons decorated it's feet and elbows, while more jutted out from its spine. It's tail had swooped around it's body showing off the ridges that traveled down it, to the end where it stopped at a point, sharp enough to be a weapon itself. I stared seeing the edges of it's ribs jut out along it's belly while it's legs looked to thin to hold it up. It was sickly looking, as it's body looked to be failing him to starvation but even then it was magnificent.

I was to busy drinking in the sight that I hadn't realized the wails it had been making had suddenly come to a stop. Never did I stop to think about the myths of these fire breathing beast, of how they destroyed towns, eating on the human flesh and stealing their treasure.

My old sneakers snagged on one of the many sticks crushing it making a loud crack echo throughout the forest. The once closed eyes of the creature snapped open focusing on me making me pause, knowing I was caught. My erratic breathing stopped, causing a gasp to slip past my lips.

It's gray eyes were dim from it's health but still held a predatory look. It's narrow pupils dilated, from the sudden light, causing the red specks in it's eyes to flash, making me hesitate. But then uncontrollable emotions flooded me and for some reason I knew that I was in the safest place I could be.

Cautiously I continued my gazing at it, as it's eyes sized me up, preparing for the worst. I didn't stop there though.

As I finally built up the courage, I took my first step and in that instant I felt an irritable burn race across my upper arm and shoulder. The creature's eyes narrowed, almost as if it felt the aggravating pain I was experiencing. My eyes watered from the sensation but I pushed it out of my mind and made my way to the creature.

Step by step, it followed my every movement and the moment I reached the beast, I collapsed to my knees, leaving our heads at the same height. Our eyes were locked on each other, and that's when I heard him for the first time.....

“Mine.” His gruff voice skimmed inside my head, effortlessly flowing like water across my thoughts. I never questioned it, and I never became frightened with how he could talk in my head. It seemed practical and normal like this type of fantasy life belonged with me.

That was the day I learned who I was and finally knew I was never going to be alone again, as he was mine and I was his. Together we had a bond that would leave us insuperable, because I am his rider and he is my Dragon.


Okay, this oneshot blew my mind. I don't even have the words! Thanks, @skyewright for sending me this. I loved it!

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