Chapter 23: Why Are You Sniffing My Pillows?

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Hmm, so I have already posted two chapters yesterday and one today..HMM..


Haha, enjoy guys.

WAIT! BEFORE YOU READ I NEED YOUR OPINION: A third book? Possibly? Or a book based off a certain character that you feel isn't getting enough attention? PLEASE tell me, guys. o:



"No," Jackson says, sighing and shaking his head for the fifth time. "Move the sword towards my stomach as if you were gonna sink it in to me. Not in between my legs."

"What if I actually stab you?" I retort, lowering the sword a little.

Jackson laughs. "They're not sharp enough, Butterfly, and you know that. That's why we're training here." He gestures to the padded training room we're in at the TTC. We have a training room to ourselves, mainly because I'm a Hover leader's daughter..but also because there's a few other rooms for people to use.

"I don't care," I reply, fiddling with the hem of my tank-top. "I don't want to accidentally hurt you or something."

"Butterfly." Jackson's eyes were gentle as he walked over to me and placed his hand under my chin, making me look up at him. "If you ever met an enemy in battle you wouldn't have the time to think over how to knock them unconscious. They would attack and kill you the second they spotted you and Leto, and then you'd be dead. That's why when you are in battle you send a weapon straight through their skin."

As bad as that sounds, Jackson was right. Nobody would spare Leto or me, especially since Leto is a Crystal dragon.

I heaved a heavy sigh, ran my hand through my ponytail and bit my lip. "Yeah, you're right."

He nodded, his thumb gently stroking my cheek a moment more before he pulled his hand away and stepped back, sword in hand and positioned in a fighting stance.

Alright, Faye, you can do this. I thought to myself, knowing I can't back out or I would look scared. I am scared, though, I kept thinking as I gripped the sword handle tighter in my sweaty palm.

Jackson gives a tiny nod. "When you're ready."

I  close my eyes a moment and breath in and out before shooting them open again and swinging my sword towards his face. Jackson reacts quickly, his sword shooting in the direction mine went and keeping his eyes on it just as I was. I heard the clanging sound of the swords colliding as I sliced my sword down the side of his and shot it towards his wrist, in which it hit Jackson's palm and made the sword flinch a little.

Jackson nods as I pull my sword back and flip it over to my other hand. "Good," he says and does the same.

I plunge my sword towards his right shoulder and running the soft-edge blade down his shoulder, not even leaving a mark. The swords were not sharp enough to cause a scratch, even, because they are just used for training.

He grunts and poked his own sword near my chest, in which I swivel around, nearly missing my breasts by a mere two inches and drew my sword under his feet, tipping him off and causing him to fall onto his back. His sword slid a little on the mat and I put my sword close to his neck and grin.

"Give in?" I ask, feeling more confident and better about that fake-fight.

A grin pulled his lips and he said, "Did I ever tell you that you look amazingly sexy like that?"

I blushed and muttered, "Like what?"

He grabbed my ankle, causing me to squeal, and pulled me down beside him. He rolled over on top of me and murmured, "Like you are now. Your eyes shining, you're sweaty-"

"What is so damn sexy about sweat?" I ask in disbelief, raising an eyebrow.

He chuckled. "It makes you glow."

"Glow?" I snort. "Oh yes, my sweat makes me glow as it drips down my smelly body."

"You don't smell," he laughed, placing his hands on the mat by each side of my head. "You're beautiful."

"I thought I was sexy."

He smiled. "You're both."

"Now you're just making me melt." I felt warm inside and out as his lips brushed my ear, neck, and chin. I shuddered with pleasure and held back a moan as his breath blew down my collarbone. 

"Good." His lips crash onto mine, raising himself up a bit and I grabbed his shoulders and sat up as well. He placed his hands on my back and pulled me towards him, and I scooted closer, hands still on his shoulders, and made my way onto his lap, my lips still on his.

He took my face in his hands and ran his fingers down my skin, making a trail of sparks for each brush left on them. I couldn't help the moan that escaped my mouth as his hand grazed my leg on accident. When he pulled his lips away from me, our breathing was heavy.

We smiled at each other as we caught our breaths and I placed my forehead on his shoulder, still smiling and probably red as a beet.

"We might want to get back to training," I whisper to him as he placed kisses down my cheeks. "After all, that's why we're here."

"Mmm," he replied, looking at me and kissing the tip of my nose. "Five more minutes?"

I think it over and then grin. "Fine, but only five."

He grinned and placed his lips on mine.


'Five more minutes' actually turned out to be 'ten more minutes'. We kissed, of course, but that was it. We didn't go further than that, nor did I feel comfortable with going any further. We trained for about an hour afterwards and then headed home and went to our separate rooms.

After showering and getting dressed I made my way to Jackson's bed room, which was the only one occupied in the hallway, and noticed the door was open.

I didn't see him, so he must still be showering so I went inside the room and sat down on his bed. I ran my fingers down his bright green comforter and a smile pulled my lips.

I lean down and lay on his pillow, taking in the smell of him. The smell made my eyes heavy, and relaxed me. Everything about Jackson did.

"Why are you sniffing my pillows?"

I turn around and see a very handsome Jackson smirking. His bare chest showed off his six-pack and muscles and he had a towel around his waist.

"You're more curious about me sniffing the pillows than me being in your room?" I ask, smiling back as I held back a laugh.

"Yes, actually," he replied, chuckling. "Is there a particular scent you wanted?"

I blushed. "No. I just like how you smell, is all."

"I see." His smirk widened. "So I smell good?"

"Yes, you do," I mumbled not looking at him. 

"Hmm." He disappeared into the bathroom and reappeared two minutes later, fully dressed. He walked over to the bed and lay down besides me, wrapping his arm around me as I snuggled into him.

"This is the smell," I comment as I put my face to his chest. 

Jackson kissed my forehead as I snuggled my head into his chest again. "I guess my smell matters."

I giggle. "Nah, it's just a bonus."

"That's good for me, I take it?"


We burst out laughing and after it dies down I felt my eyes close, snuggled up in Jackson's warm arms.


Soo, did you like this chapter? I made it completely surround Jackson and Faye. :D

Until next time, beauties!

-Grace xx

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