When I saw Jordan again I was ecstatic. I found him like matching another piece to a puzzle. Yeah he was trying to kill me but at the end he didn't. Because he remembered me. That gave me the hope I needed the good to justify my years of searching for them.
And it gives me the drive I need....to find my sister....
When Jorden got me back to his house I found it weird that he wanted to keep me hidden. But I also understood. He wanted to keep me hidden and safe. Away from the creepy lady that tried to take me out as a child. The lady who haunts my worst nightmares.
My first night there almost made me wet my pants. Not because I was in any danger or anything but because Jordan the jerk threw a fucking knife at my head and gave me a unwanted hair cut. He had changed a lot from that day.
We went to sleep that night however I could hear him moving around. He kept softly whispering dia. He dreamed about her.
The next day he just walked out the house. He told me to not leave I think but who would I be if I listened?
I went out a window and left it slightly open. I was confused because it looked like night time was right around the corner. Why would they wake up so late? And why was this place so....empty?
I saw a bunch of buildings but almost no people. Was Jorden just delusional and made this all up in his head? A few minutes passed and that's when it started. The walk ways, buildings, etc. all of it! It started to flood or unload with....freaks. Kids with weird eyes, different color hair, weapons, some with tattoos, and so much more.
I didn't blend in at all. I panicked and went back for the house. But on my way I bumped into a girl. Something about her was so familiar but so different....
She looked at me crazy and her friend snapped. My heart sank and I left.
Was that her? Was I hallucinating? This is a new place so there's a chance I'm projecting past memories onto people... I ran back to Jordan's place. I need to get more information before I just go trying to find someone I hadn't seen on practically a decade...
Kitties Diary!!
Dear diary,
A few days ago I got a new roommate. I was told her names ash and to take care of her when Jordan isn't around. But the more I spend time with her the more I know. She doesn't remember her past selves. They wipe her memory so much after a while who she originally was will be completely gone. I want to do something but I know if I do I will never see my sister again...
I remember when me and my sister first got here...Dia was the one to train us... she was so strong and smart. She could do things I never saw anyone here do before or after. She was truly the strongest of us all. She tried to help break us out...her and Jordan...they were so in love you couldn't separate them for shit...but then we got caught...they took zari...hurt Jordan and wiped Dias memory...ever since then she hasn't Been able to preform to her highest ability... and every time she got close they would start her over...make her look different and give her a new identity...I wanna save her...
I'm conflicted cause no mater who she comes back as...Dia, Ash, Shy, Lisa...I always see the true her and I always love her. She's like a sister...I'm not sure if i should break her out and run the risk of getting caught in which no one will be happy... or i do as Niveah told me...and just watch her letting her suffer and better my chances of seeing Zari again...I can't save them both...not on my own... I need help but I'm sure like last time everyone will be too afraid of that bitch to help....

The Welcoming
Misteri / ThrillerA girl stolen from her life. Memory taken and no one who can tell her the truth of what happened to her. Experimented on and trained to be a killer all while searching for her old self. Her new friends and body guard by her side.