Chapt 25 (Ash p.o.v)

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The next day when I woke Kitty was already gone. There was a note on my bed.

"Woke up early to go see bae. See you later love. MEOWWWW -xoxo Kitty"

I can't believe she actually wrote meow. I took a shower and stood under the water for a few minutes remembering the warm water of the ocean yesterday.

A smile cracked on my face thinking about it.

While thinking about the good moments a loud knock echoed on the door.

"Ashhhh baby girlllll come onnnnn" I heard limes sing from the other side.

I jumped in retaliation and flung the shower curtains to the side looking at the door.

" the hell did you get in here?"

"Kitty gave me her key imma give it back later!"

"Well least let me finish my shower!"

"Noooo get out nowwwww before I come drag you outtttttt! We have to goooooo!!!"

I just giggled. Realizing this place was growing on me. And I didn't mind that.

I jumped out of the shower when I was done washing my body and threw on a white leather skirt and black button down shirt with white and black heels.

When I came out of the bathroom like was sitting on her bed texting and I saw my whip hanging on the side of my bed. I picked it up and attached it to my hip and she looked up and smiled.

"You readyyyy?" She asked with more excitement than I've seen since I got here.

"Haha. Depends what am I getting ready for exactly???"

Without another word she grabbed my hand and raced me down stairs.

After what seemed like speed walking forever we ended up in the cafeteria but no one else was there.

"Why are we here?" I looked at her and she told me to wait.

She went in the back room made sure no one was there and signaled me to follow. The back room seemed more like a janitors closet full of brooms, mops, etc. there was a panel on the floor tho. But when she lifted it something happened to me.

I saw something but it wasn't happening....wait does that even make sense??

I saw myself opening the door looking around to make sure no one was following me but....but I was standing there watching like do it now...and I know I was never here before....least not that I can remember?

I guess I was standing there in a daze thinking about this...memory? Or flash? What ever it was! Because like snapped me out of it laughing and told me to follow her.

Now when I looked down where this panel was there are stairs replacing it. As I went down the stairs slowly I heard music replacing the once silent room. Like started giggling uncontrollably and at the end of the stairs was a door. She when she opened it there was lights, music, drinks, other kids laughing and socializing.

"We're here!!!" Lime yelled

Everyone's eyes dotted to us and they cheered like we were the main guest of the party. They started pulling us in and I saw like get lost in the crowd. Oddly I wasn't worried though. Like I knew this was for me or something.

I was walking around looking at the scene smiling when someone grabbed my hand and spinned me around. When I looked there was a drink in my face. When I grabbed it the person standing behind it looked familiar.


He chuckled. "Yeah that's me" he grabbed my hand and kissed it. "It's great time finally be able to talk to you instead of admiring you from the other side of class." He yelled over the music but only just enough for me to hear him.

I giggled. "Well it's nice to talk to you as well."

I thought he was handsome before but then he did this smile and it was like my heart skipped a beat. Felt like meeting your childhood ideal which is weird cause I didn't know of him till just a few days ago.

We started to have a conversation. We were giggling and chatting about how weird the school was when out of no where we looked each other deeply in the eye. He said "you're so beautiful" and it's like we were the only two in the room....but it felt...wrong!

But I couldn't control my body...we started to get closer to each felt like we were going to kiss and I tried to stop it but my body wouldn't let me. Like my body was being high jacked. When right before our lips made contact I was yanked back forcefully.

Kitty grabbed my wrist and started to basically run away from him while yelling to him "sorry I need her for a sec!"

I was so happy she came to my rescue. When we stopped running we were on the other side of the room. Covered by a the crowd of people. She looked me in my eyes.

"Do not! Mess with that guy! He is bad news do you understand?" I nodded looking at her.

"Thank you! I couldn't control myself for some reason!"

"That's apart of his power... he is like a bully but you can't tell at first but if you would have let him kiss you, you would have let him put something on you and then you would never be allowed to get away from him unless he said so." Hearing her day that scared me a bit. How could someone so nice and normal looking have that type of power?

I turned to make sure he wasnt there anymore and then when I looked back. Kitty was gone. What THE FUCK just happened?????

I started to feel out of place when all that happened so I started to make my way for the door. I was so ready to get out of there. I started my way up the stairs and eventually out of the building completely. While walking out of the building I heard him.

"Ashley!" When I looked to the side I saw Jordan coming my way. I blushed a bit then started to walk towards him.


"I just....I wanted to say sorry for what happened before and I hope you can forgive me?.

I nodded and smiled softly to let him know it was cool... then we hugged and while backing up from each other we started looking in each others eyes. I felt safe...happy when I would look in his eyes. This was right. This was what I wanted.

Before I knew it my arms were around his neck and his hands around my waist and we were kissing. My whole body filled with this warmth and I didn't want it to end.

When we backed up from each other we were both blushing and he looked away trying not to show his face.

"Ugh...we should on your training."

While he spoke I noticed he was still blushing and I giggled and grabbed his hand.

He smiled and we interlocked fingers she started to walking to the training room.

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