Random poem feeling dump

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Unknown date
Dear no one,

You can tie me up,
Beat me down,
Shatter my soul,
And break me to no end ,
But I won't stop getting back up ,
Again ,
And again,
And again,
Because I won't let you destroy me ,
I will be broken, and weak but I won't stop fighting you,
Never will I give up on what's most important,
And never,
Will I let you have the satisfaction of breaking me,
Because I'm stronger than you thought,
I WILL beat you
I WILL overcome you
You will NOT destroy me
For if you destroy me you destroy yourself too,
But that's how you control me,
You make me suffer,
And sometimes,
I start to think that maybe,
Just maybe,
The darkness of death would be just a bit better then you.

To my depression

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