First Contact

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  Our story begins on a planet in the far western inner rim. Jakku a desert planet with nothing but sand for miles but it didn't used to be like this. It used to thrive with life forests and oceans for as far as the eye could see, until many eons ago the galatic cival war ripped through and destroyed everything, the forests were burned to just dust and the oceans ran dry. Now all that remains is a graveyard for deserted and crashed ships from the wars before. People now scavenge them for parts to trade to the Hutts for portions of food and water to survive. All that resides in Jakku is thieves, scavengers or people trying to hide from the rest of the galaxy. They are either wanted, owe money or just trying to start a new life far away from everyone and everything.

Among all these people and creatures is one girl with no family history that she knows of. She was abandoned on the planet at a very young age. Oprhoned and been living on her own for six years she is now eighteen years old living in a downed AT-AT walker. She has adapted to the harsh summer heat and the bitter winters cold of this remote planet she has made her home. Long brown hair fair skin thin build but tries to stay fit enough to surive no friends if any its very few not many can be trusted on this planet. She has dreams of leaving this planet to explore the galaxy but she knows it will never happen as it will always stay a dream.

As the sun rises over the horizon of the desert we find our girl Rey scavenging through a crashed star destroyer ship from when the galatic empire controled the galaxy she sees traces of when Palpatine the former emperor and his apprientice Darth Vadar. She has her speeder out side of the ship with a net laying beside it. She gathers pieces she can see the Hutts seeing value in and puts it in the net. A few hours pass before her net gets full enough to take back to town its already so warm out but a breeze blows every now and then to make it bearable. As she is heading out of the ship she notices a necklace with a sun and a moon in a drawer she pulls it out and puts it in her pocket as she leaves to get on her speeder. She heads west towards town and notices smoke rising in the distance she watches a moment as she heads towards town. Once into town she drags her net to the wash tub and scrubs the dirt grime and dust off each piece and places it to the side. She glances up to see a man she has never seen before tall, thin but fit built firey red hair and pale skin dark clothing something someone of importance would wear. She asks the elderly woman across from her if she has any idea who he is or might be. the woman glances behind her No I'm sorry dear, but I saw him come from the direction of the crash where all the smoke was fuming from. Rey continues cleaning the junk she has gathered then walks up to the trade post to speak with Nami Hutt.

She places the pieces one by one on the counter Nami looks at her while inspecting each piece; "Let's see what you have brought me today." she says as looking at each piece. "This is worth five and a half portions." Nami says to Rey as she gathers the bags from the basket and two bottles of water and sits them on the counter infront of Rey. Rey looks at Nami "But you gave me double last week for less than this!" "Too bad only five and a half or leave with nothing!" Nami exclaims. Rey nows there is no purpose in arguing with her as she is a Hutt and you don't want to pick fights with them she accepts the trade and goes over to fix one of the portions of food and rest. She looks towards the side of the building when she sees the strange man sitting against the wall clearly out of breath, thirsty and hungry. She has already prepared one of the portions but hasn't ate it. She gathers the rest into her sactual and takes the opened one over to him. He is sitting with his head down towards the ground when she approaches him. She kneels down and places her hand on his shoulder gently trying to get his attention. "Hey are you okay?" she asks him concerned. He jumps from being startled, "Yeah I'm I'm fine well not really, honestly I don't even know." "Here take this." she says as she hands him the food and a bottle of water you need this more than I do. He accepts it with gratitude "Are you sure he asks her not wanting to take anything she needs to survive. "No I'm fine I got some more in my bag she says trying to convince him that shes got plenty. I'm Rey by the way, it is nice to meet you. I'm Armitage Hux, general of the First order. Rey looks at him confused First Order, why are you down here instead of with them, she asks curiously. He chuckles well I normally would be but my ship crashed in pursuit of a resistance fighter and got stranded here I'm hoping they will realize something and come back but I doubt they will. Here sit if you want he says as he scoots over so she can sit down. As she does she slips on some loose sand, bumping her head on the wall he catches her Hey you okay? yeah I'm fine just clumsy didn't may attention to what i was doing. She laughs as she sits down. they sit in silence for a few moments as people come and go every now and then someone would get into a fight with Nami Hutt causing her to shoot them not thinking twice.

The sun starts to set as the breeze gets colder with every passing minute Rey, honey you need to be getting home its going to storm tonight and get cold quicker than normally does, the elderly woman from earlier tells her as shes one of the few friends she has. Thank you ma'am I will, take care of yourself. She turns to look at Armitage, do you have a place to stay tonight she asks I don't know was probably just going to stay here or see if my ship quit burning and just stay in it. She stands up and reaches her hand out that will never do come you can stay with me tonight it isn't much but its better shelter than this. They walk over to her speeder as she gets on she tells him to climb on the back she flies back down south to her home as they approach its already dark and the air is getting crisper by the minute. He chuckles as they get off the speeder I always wondered what happened to this one. Rey looks at him wondering what he means. This used to belong to the first order rey about seven years ago. How long have you been living in it he asks her. She thinks for a minute about five years I think. Come inside Armitage its freezing out here. They walk inside she turns to warn him of a bar hanging low by the entrance, hey watch her head by the time she gets the words out he has done bumped his head on it. Sorry i should have said something sooner. It's okay Rey I just got to pay more attention next time.

He sit down in the living area of her home, "Rey is there anything I can do to repay you for this, I appreciate everything you have done for me." Rey sits down beside him, " You don't owe me anything, I always try to help everyone I can promise your good." Hux walks outside and stares across the desert into the night sky, he watches as the moon rises above the horizon. Rey notices him and walks towards the door, "Hey its pretty cold out here, your probably freezing maybe you should head inside." She says to him not sure what he is even doing, "I will it's just being in space ninty percent of the time, it's nice to actually see the night sky from a different view." he says staring at the stars as they twinkle and fall. "I know it is beautiful", the wind starts howling as the storm approaches and the temperature drops with every passing minute. Rey turns to head back inside he follows after and trips over top of a bent metal piece taking Rey down with him. He looks up and notices he is laying on top of her. "I'm so sorry Rey I'm slightly clumsy." She chuckles, " it's okay promise I've tripped over that piece to many times, I probably need to remove it." He laughs "Yeah but you probably haven't fallen on someone before." He stares at her looking over her face for a moment before realizing he is still laying on top of her. "Oh I'm sorry" as he stands up, Rey blushes as he reaches his hand out for her to take to help her up off the floor.

  "I have some blankets and pillows you can use tonight, but I only have one bed so we would have to share it I hope that is okay with you," she asks him. "Yeah thats fine if its okay with you, if not I can always sleep in a chair or on the floor." Rey looks at him and laughs I wouldn't have said it if it wasn't okay, here come help me straighten it up. They go to the bac where the bed is and straighten the bedding up so theres plenty on both sides for each of them. Rey preceeds to go to another room and change into her night cloths after changing she comes back and crawls into the bed. "Hey do you want this light out," he asks her. Yeah if you don't mind, he blows the lantern out it's now pitch black ecept for the light of the stars and moon but that barely does anything. She mumbles half asleep you can lay your stuff where ever you want to. He stands there for a second watching her then preceeds to take his coat and belt off and lays them on a chair and gets in the bed trying to stay near the edge so he doesn't make her uncomfortable. An hour or two later she is sound asleep and he is laying on his back staring up at the night sky, he looks over at her and notices she shes on her back but the covers are not covering her good, he goes to pull them up on her when she suddenly turns on her side and cuddles up to him laying her head on his chest along with wrapping her arm around him. he looks down not hundred percnet what to do. He tries not to move so he doesn't wake her up. He takes a deep breath and gets comfortable and gances at her everynow and then he notices she has a small smile he chuckles slightly as he wraps his arm around her to hold her and pulls the cover over them both and falls asleep with her in his arms.

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