Contact from Snoke

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  It's been over a week since Hux crashed into the desert planet of Jakku the heat of the day and the cold of the night doesn't bother him as much as it did the first couple days. He's glad he met Rey they have gotten close but he worries what she will think of him once he's returned to the first order. If she'll still want to be around or if shell even want to go back with him. Suddenly there is a large explosion near by Hux runs out of the ATAT and sees first order ships firing down on Jakku. He then sees snokes destroyer and runs back inside.

Rey get up he shakes her awake we got to go now. Why what's wrong the first order is here this may be our only chance. She sits up there here why. I don't know but we have to go come please. She grabs a bag and takes his hand as they run towards the ship. Upon getting to town the storm troopers are firing every way possible . Rey looks in discomfort about it. Hey you okay. He asks her concerned. Yeah just so much war and violence. I know it'll be okay once we are boarded.

As they head to snokes destroyer the Admerial sees them. General your alive who's this. Admerial this is a good friend he looks at Rey and smiles as they board the destroyer. Sir supreme leader snoke wishes to see you as soon as possible. Tell him I will be their when I get a moment I need to catch up on everything. Okay general welcome back and welcome to the first order my lady. Your in good hands. Rey looks at the Admerial then behind her to see the storm troopers blasting everything in front of them she gets sick to her stomach. Hux pulls her close to him as they board the ship. He walks to where his chambers are and they go inside Rey sits down on the couch he sits down with her hey you okay you don't look so good. I'm fine it's just so much I never seen anything like that how can they just kill and destroy without thought. I'm sorry Rey I should have told you about it but I never expected you would see the war first hand I'm so sorry he holds her as she has her head on his chest my home it's gone. Rey look at me I promise to you I will do everything I can to bring you happiness and peace just please don't be afraid.

Rey looks at him while tears roll down her face he feels so broken on what the first order does that the woman he cares so much about was never exposed to such tragic that her being with him is the reason she was brought to the tragic. Rey he whispers to her as he holds her close as it kills him to see her cry I will not let anything or anyone harm you I swear on my life. Rey just holds him with her head on his chest, thank you Armitage.

About half an hour later he looks at her come let's get you in different clothes he goes over to the closet and pulls out a floor length dress and wedge shoes and hands it to her the bathroom is through the hall I'll be in here changing she takes the cloths and puts them on. She looks in the mirror and notices it's a pure black with grey lace dress she sees a brush and some bands and she brushes her hair out and ties it back in a loose ponytail She walks out so see him shirtless. I'm sorry I didn't mean to walk in too soon Rey it's fine I think we've seen each other more exposed than now she chuckles and blushes. He buttons his shirt and places his jacket on fastening it with he grey belt he goes to the bathroom to comb his hair. When he comes out he sees Rey sitting in a chair he's taken back about How she looks. You look amazing Rey come with me she stands up and takes his arm they walk out of the room as they walk to the main hanger.

Upon arriving Hux opens the door the fleet are shocked when they see him General we thought you was dead. No Im very much alive, and thanks for taking so long to come back appreciate that. He sees the Admerial up front speaking with Phasma and Kylo Ren. Rey don't be intemendated by anyone here your safe with me I promise. It's okay I'm not just all strange. Hux where have you been Phasma asks him across the room Phasma I was stranded for a week but everything is fine. Who's the girl Phasma asks, this is Rey I met her while on Jakku she's only reason I'm still alive. Kylo looks over at them to see the girl Hux has on his arm. General, Hux supreme leader wants to see you now and I'm sure he's going to want to meet her as well why don't you take her with you. Kylo I'm am going to have to ask you to stop acting like you control anything and also stay away from her you have no business around her do you understand me. You don't control me General I do as I want when I want as I please. Now Snoke wants to see you. Rey looks over at Kylo as Hux pulls her closer to him as they walk out of the hanger they get down the hall and turn towards his chambers they go into a dark hallway and Hux puts Rey against a wall and kisses her Rey moans from the surprise kiss he lifts her arm above her head holding it with his hand as his other hand is around her waist. He kisses her for a few minutes.pulling her towards him she returns every kiss he gives. They break away looking at each other for a second before kissing again. Rey moans again as she feels him against her this is most she's ever done with another man and she doesn't want it to stop. The destroyer takes off from Jakku they can feel the ship take off. Hux starts kissing her neck while holding her close to him they continue holding caressing and kissing each other for another few minutes until they hear footsteps near by. They break away and straighten themselves up. I have to go see the supreme leader will you be okay in our chambes till I get back. Yes Armitage, I'll be okay. Rey there's something else I want to ask you I want you more than just a friend will you be my girlfriend, our connection is strong I don't want to miss an opportunity. Yes Armitage I will he kisses her again and smiles now go on to the chambers I'll be there as soon as I'm done I promise. As they go their separate ways Rey gets back into their chambers and sits down on the sofa.

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