Love and Hate

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                       It has been a week snce Hux ordered Ren onto a mission which he has made very little process due to the strick circumstances and orders Hux has given him. All Kylo wishes to do is return to Star Killer Base so he can see Rey again and be with his father and chewy. Rey on the otherhand has been occupied planning and getting her and Hux's wedding straighted out. She wants simple but Hux wants large celebration as he wishes to show the love of his life off to the entire galaxy. 

                      Rey walks into the main operations room to see Hux screaming at a group of storm troppers due to them not listening for the millionth time. She starts to understand why he gets so aggravated at the littlest things more and more each day. As she approaches him he sees her from the corner of his eye "Go now you idiots and don't mess it up the patrol is simple unless u want demoted to house keeping then do it right the first time I swear kids would be better at this then you all are!" He screams at the top of his lungs at the troopers as they turn on there heal and march off  continuing there patrol. Hello my love he says to her as he pulls her into an embrace how are you feeling this morning. He asks her as he looks her over moving the loose strands of hair from her face . I'm fine love still not following orders I see. Yes im about to loose it he says as he goes through the files infront of him on his desk. May I suggest something. What is it Rey i doubt there is anything that will get them to listen. She kneels down beside him make an example of one of them if they fail again. He glances over at her with a look of fear as he didnt think the girl he loved could say something so dark and cold hearted. What did you just suggest Rey make an example when did you get so dark he asks her concerned and confused.  

Honey Ive noticed its been the same group of troppers every day screwing up set an example make them realize you are tired of correcting them. kill one itll snap them back in fear of loosing there life. He chuckles that may be a pleasure to them but I'll see to it love Hows the planning coming for our wedding . Its coming along Armitage just addressing the invities to have them sent out I need you to review the menus and agenda then send it to the planner everything looks good on my end. Okay Rey i'll see to it I have to get back to work though I'll see you later okay I love you he says as he kisses her hand gently as she walks away back down the corridors.

                                 She strolls down the corridors heading to Han and Chewys quarters as she approaches the departure wing she notices something out in the distance she stops and tries to figure out what it could be until a large canon blast lands in the horizon along with three tie fighters blazing down blasts into the forest coming closer to the base. she starts running towards her and tage's quarters to change into something more battle friendly and to equip her saber and blasters. The alarms start blaring as the admerial orders over the intercom everyone to get to their stations to prepare for a battle. minutes later another serious of blasts and tie fighters swarm the base. With each passing minute the base shakes as the attacks get stronger. Hux is freaking in the main hanger not knowing what is going on. Rey runs into the hanger up to Hux , admerial and Phasma. Rey your okay thank god stay with me. Armitage I need to go out there to see what is going on if it is the Resistance I may know someone who can stop this attack. Who Who do you know that can stop them from killing his Phasma yells at her. Rey gets pissed and storms off back to Han and Chewys quarters she bangs on the door. Rey what is going on Han asks its Leia the Resistance if anyone it would be you two to stop this now come on as they run down the halls to the transmission room Rey punches in the coordinates to Leias ship the connection opens. Hello who am I speaking to leia says . Han walks up to the holotransmisson Leia you have to stop this please stop trying to kill our son. Han what are you doing at the First order did you join them if so I have no choice. No I didnt join them damn it Leia would you actually think before making an order do you not realize what you have been doing these past weeks uneccesary attacks your killing people with no motive no reason if you continue this our son will be dead we will be dead. your becoming worse then the first order has ever been atleast they haven't attacked with no motive before why do you do it. now stop Leia is silent for a moment before she orders everyone to fall back and cease attacking. 

Bring me our son Han and ti'll end the war if i have him back with me then i will have my people no longer attack the first order all i want is our son to come home. after she said that she ends the transmission. Han looks at rey you are the only one that will make him come home if not it will never end. han leaves the base to return back to his home. 

Two weeks pass everything for the wedding is in order the wedding is tomorrow evening Rey looks at her dress in the closet before she zips it up to take to her dressing room for tomorrow. As she showers and changes into her pajamas Hux walks in . hello love he says to her as he pulls her into to his arms kissing her I'm excited for tomorrow I hope you are. I am baby i can't wait to be enternally yours tomorrow she smiles as she kisses him. Now we need rest tomorrow will be busy he says as he goes to shower when he comes back Rey has already laid down and is fast asleep he gets in bed beside her and wraps his arms around her goodnight my love hopefully the little pest doesnt' interfere. he kisses her temple as he falls asleep with her in his arms.

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