Their Bond Grows

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      They hold each other for what feels like an eternity as time stands still. Her tears stop falling as he holds her close Rey look at me I'm sorry for acting the way I did. None of the mission failure was your fault I should have never blamed you. He says to her in a whisper as he holds her against his chest. Rey I love you. She looks up at Armitage and smiles with glistening eyes I love you too Armitage, and I'm sorry too I should have stayed here instead of wandering off. It's okay love i promise I can never stay mad at you and anyway I should not expect you to do my work for me your my companion the woman I love not one of my fleet crew that work. I love you Rey since the day I first laid eyes on you I have always wanted you to be mine. Rey looks into his eyes as a tear falls and she smiles. I love you so much Armitage and i don't mind working I enjoy it actually. It gives me something to do other then train. Hux pulls her towards him and kisses her passionately after the kiss breaks he whispers be mine forever I need you in the crazy galactic war. She smiles as she kisses him again. Always will be yours as you are mine.

Armitage, can we go away just the two of us she says to him as they hold each other while laying in there bed. Where too he says as he runs his fingers through her hair. I don't know honestly where do you think would be good. We could always go to Naboo. wasn't you just there for half a year. Yes but it is very beautiful I think you would love it its so peaceful and so much life. That sounds amazing Armitage.

A few hours pass Hux and Rey are holding each other while laying in their bed. Out of the blue alarms start blaring throughout the corridors. Hux jumps up startled as he was dozing in and out of sleep when something large crashed into Snokes star destroyer. What on hell was that he says alerted and aggravated. He gets up and throws his uniform on. Rey sits up in bed what is going on babe. Get dressed now he says to her in a hasty tone. She jumps up and throws slacks and a blouse on and boots. Suddenly Ren barges into Their quarters. General we need you in the hanger now. Hux looks at him and shouts What is going on. Suddenly a much larger blast hits the star destroyer causing everyone to loose balance and rey falls to the floor hitting her head on a table. She stands up a little disorientated Hux runs over to her Rey are you okay. Yeah I'm I'm fine she stutters dont worry about me we need to figure out why we are being attacked the blasts are getting stronger and more consistent, with each passing minute we need to go now. But Rey your hurt and your bleeding. I said I'm fine she reassures him but tries to walk past to head towards the main hanger.

She can barely stand up but forces herself to walk anyway. Ren watches her with concern My lady he says you need to rest. this isnt safe for you especially injured. I'm fine Ben. Hux and Kylo exchange looks as she walks past Hux wonders why she would call him Ben instead of Ren or Kylo. He ignores it as their are more important matters going on that need their attention. Rey goes into the main hanger before Hux and Kylo get in their. As she gets towards the bay windows another stronger and much closer blast comes in and hits the main hanger sending glass and her flying backwards into the corridors. Hux and Ren runs in from hearing the explosion and sees her laying on the floor. Hux looks at Ren grab her lets go we need to evacuate immediately and hopefully that blast didn't kill her who ever is behind this attack I am going to kill them if they have caused her harm. Ren picks her up as they run to the departure wing to load into a transport ship. Hux boards the transport as Kylo lays Rey beside him and gets into the pilot seat. They take off just in time as another blast comes and hits the departure wing. Hux looks out to see its a canon from the resistance. This is just the beginning of the war they will pay for this even if i have to search every location they have ever stepped foot on. Ren looks back at him How is she he asks softly. Hux turns and looks at Rey's unconscious body laying their in the seat. I dont know Ren still no response she feels cold has burns in some areas from the explosion cuts scrapes we need to get her medical help as soon as possible were are we going anyway. Kylo looks back at Rey trying not to make it obvious he likes her. Ren where are you taking us. Sorry General i was thinking were going to the planet Takodana I know someone there who can help us. You better be sure about this Ren cause if something happens this will be on you. understood General, Ren is nervous about returning to this planet due to two people he knows that resides there. Chewbacca and his father.

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