Their Story is Only Beginning

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  The sun is starting to rise over the horizon of the desert. Rey starts to wake up first to still laying on his chest him holding her. she looks up at him not wanting to wake him so she continues to lay and goes back to sleep. She snuggles into his chest as he wraps his arms around her tighter holding her closer. She smiles at the thought of it. A few hours pass it's starting to get warm out. Hux wakes to being blinded by the sun in his face. He looks down to see her still laying on his chest, he notices she put one of her hands on his chest holding him as he held her. He smiles slightly not wanting to disturb her he moves some of her hair away from her face and gently rubs her cheek with his thumb. He takes a deep slow breath and glances back at her. Half an hour passes before she wakes up to him still laying there she groaned as she gets up. Thinking he was still asleep she gently went to get up. "Good morning Rey." he says as he opens his eyes. Startled that he was awake she jumps. I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you he says I just didn't want to move you looked comfortable he says to her smiling slightly. "Thank you, you know you could have gotten up though right." She says as she stretches exposing some of her tummy. He tries to not make it obvious he was looking at her. She walks over to a cabinet and tosses him a bottle of water and portion of food as she takes her some out of the cabinet as well. Thank-you but don't you need it he says not wanting her to go without. She takes a drink "I'm good I got plenty plus I'll be getting more later, Their is a stream in town I gather some with.

She changes cloths he gets up but leaves his coat off this time so he's not burning up as much. She comes back into the room they was in. You wanna go on a ride I can teach you how to fly the speeder if you want. He's hesitant at first but agrees they go outside she let's him get on first and she gets on behind him okay start it. Alright you'll squeeze the right bar to speed up left is to slow and turning is well you turn okay. Alright shouldn't be to difficult which way you want to head. South alright he accelerates the speeder and starts flying out she wraps her arms around his waist to hold on. He smiles without her noticing. He's really enjoying her company. Hey Rey if I ever get to go back to the first orders ship would you want to join me. That sounds fun actually. We'd be up in the Galaxy you can see space for miles so many planets and systems it's quite amazing actually.

She smiles as he accelerates without knowing and hits a mound causing them to flip off the speeder. The bike is not damaged at all but they was thrown a few feet forward. He sits up looking to see where she landed and sees her about five feet away from him he gets up and goes over to her freaking out thinking he hurt her. After a few seconds she giggles and throws sand at him. Got ya she says laughing he sits their laughing but still a little scared. You freaked me out but it's okay. They sit their laughing. Come on there's something close I wanna show you. They get back on the bike she let's him fly it again tells him to keep heading south. After about an hour later she tells him that we're here. Where there's nothing but sand. Come on she takes off running. Where are you going he asks her trying to catch up to her. Suddenly he sees a lake with a waterfall she takes off her shirt and pants to just leave on a bra and shorts and jumps in. He stands at the waters edge not quite knowing where she's gone. She surfaces the water come on it's not that bad. He takes off his shirt and pants to where he only has night shorts on and jumps in. He doesn't see Rey hiding under the water he starts looking around for her but doesn't realize she's underneath him

Suddenly he gets pulled under the water. He turns around to find Rey laughing. He goes over to her and picks her up and throws her through the water laughing. They continue swimming for awhile than she goes over to a rock on the edge of the waterfall it's a small one so if they'd fall it wouldn't hurt them. As she stares out in the distance Hux pulls himself up on the rock beside her everything okay. Yeah just wondering what's out there. He looks at her have you never left this planet before. She looks at him no been here all my life always wanted to explore other planets though. I may be able to do something about that. As the wind blows it gets chilly we should be getting back before it gets to late. They get dressed and get back on the speeder and head back to Rey's home. Once back it's dark and cold she grabs two portions so they can eat Hux searches one of the hidden compartments that the first order used in the ATAT walkers he finds a transmission radio and contacts his main ship. Admerial can you read me hello hello can anyone read me. Damn no answer. I tried I will figure something else out.

He walks back to where Rey's at and sits down. He notices her changing cloths hey I left you some stuff on the table beside the bed. He looks down and sees some loose fitting cloths and changes into some pants he comes back to Rey laying on the bed looking out the window that's above them. He sits beside her you okay yeah I'm alright I had fun today thanks I appreciate it. Your welcome she says to him. So what do we do now he asks looking at her I guess what ever we wanna do. He lays on his side looking at her I really do want you to come back with me when I return to the first order. I would like that Armitage. They smile at each other he gently moves some of her hair from her face she blushes a little he places his hand on hers holding it. Armitage Rey says his name quietly yes Rey I I really like you your sweet and caring. I like you too Rey she scoots over to where's she's closer to him he runs his fingers through her hair moving it out from away from her face. I have been wanting to do something but I'm worried it's not right or wouldn't end well. What is it if you wanna do something do it. You sure he asks her yes Armitage. He continues to look at her Rey smiles up at him.

Hux takes a deep breath and kisses Rey she moans slightly but relaxes almost instantly and returning the kiss. He slides his arm underneath her holding her pulling her closer as he continues to kiss her she places her hand around his waist holding him as well as they kiss each other. A few moments pass before they break away trying to catch their breath. 

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