My Heart is His and His Alone

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 Rey watches as Kylo walks away, once he is out of sight she goes inside hers and Armitage's chambers and sits down on the sofa trying to figure out what the hell just happened. She starts crying feeling lie she has betrayed him, her mind begins racing that he is going to hate her, that he will have her leave. She starts to realize that she doesn't just like Armitage but is falling in love with him. She goes to the bathroom and dries her eyes and changes clothes to just slacks, blouse and flats that she found in the closet. She leaves the chambers and begins walking down corridors as her mind wanders, but the pain she is feeling overcomes her she has no idea where she is walking too all she can think about is why she didn't push Kylo away when he kissed her, why she followed him to his chambers. She starts hating herself and finds herself in an open room with glass panels to where you can see the galaxy for miles upon miles. She sits against a wall in the dark cold room. It's probably two or three in the morning.

She now wonders if he will even want to see her or will want her to stay on the ship with him. She stays in the empty cold room till morning. She hasn't sleept since the night before the first order landed on Jakku and spread fire to every living being destroying everything in its path. She can hear storm troppers patrolling the halls but pays no attention. Tear stains her face from the night before as she sits there looking out the glass panels. She hears the bay doors open to the room she is in to see Kylo Ren wal in with his saber in hand. She still sits on the floor against the wall, he doesn't see notice her at first. She realizes she is in the training room, she watches him for a moment against a droid. He doesn't notice her until he slices the droid in half and one part goes flying towards her.

He looks over to go pick the pieces up when he sees her sitting against the wall, Rey what are you doing in here are you okay he asks her concerned. Rey are you okay he asks her again gently shaking her shoulder. She looks at him her eyes are red and irritated her face is stained with tears and dark circles lie under her eyes. He knows she's cried all night. He goes over to the transmitter Admerial this is Ren is General Hux in the Hanger, yes he is sir is everything okay? No can you have him get to the training arena now. Yes he heard you he wants to know the importance sir the Admerial says. Admerial tell General Hux I found Rey here she is not in good state she's not speaking to me I don't know if she's just not talking or if it's from lack of sleep, Ren says over the transmission. Back in the Hanger Hux hears this and takes off towards the back of the ship running as fast as he can.

Admerial is he coming Ren says again

Yes sir he ran off before you even finished saying what was wrong. Okay thank you Admerial. A few minutes pass and the doors open and Hux runs in and sees Rey sitting against the wall on the floor he runs up to her. Hey hey look at me Rey please tell me what's wrong. Armitage oh my God she puts her arms around him hugging him and starts to cry again. He sits down and holds her hey it's okay love come here what happened have you been here all night what happened after you left my office, Did something happen he asks her trying to figure out what caused her to fall apart. General when I came in this morning I didn't see her at first then went a piece of a training Droid I saw her out of the corner of my eye sitting there when she wouldn't talk to me I got ahold of the Admerial to see if you was in the hanger.

Thank you Ren I'll take care of her. Hux stands up and picks Rey up and carries her hack to their chambers he sits down on the sofa her still in his arms. Rey now that we're alone can you tell me what happened I'm worried about you. She looks at him Im sorry I don't know why he did it. Who are you talking about did someone hurt you he asks her. No no one hurt me when you had Kylo escort me to the cafeteria he had to stop and grab something from his chambers and he made food instead of going to the cafeteria then on the way back here he pulled me towards him and kissed me he caught me off guard I couldn't stop it I didn't know it happened till he did it. I'll take care of him Rey I promise you won't have to worry about him I promise, but what has you so upset?

I feel like I betrayed you Armitage, Rey says softly I feel like you don't want me anymore. Rey love no you didn't betray me and I want you forever and always I love you Rey I have felt a connection to you since we first met on Jakku please dry your eyes. She looks up at him with bright eyes I love you too Armitage he smiles as he kisses her passionately come let's get you cleaned up I'll have you stay with me in my office today if you wish I also brought you something it's on the bed.

They get up and go into their bedroom Rey sees three bags on the bed Hux stands by the door watching her remove each item she opens the smaller bag she finds a necklace bracelet second bag hair ribbon with dark red roses in it and a pair of black flats she opens the last bag and sees a long red dress with a slit on one side single strap off shoulder there beautiful Armitage I love them. He walks to her and kisses her your my queen Rey you should dress like one he says to her smiling. Now I have some business to take care off when your ready meet me in the hanger ok. Okay I will be careful ok Armitage I worry about you she says concerned. I'll be fine babe promise. She watches as he leaves.

After she showers she puts the dress on and does her hair in loose curls and places the ribbon in it she also puts on the jewelry and shoes and a little makeup. As she leaves their quarters she walks towards the main hanger upon arriving she sees the Admerial walk towards her. My lady you may want to come back later why can't I come in I was asked to meet Armitage here when I was done. My lady trust me you don't want to get involved in what's going on right now. Rey sees Ren yelling at Armitage while force chocking him. She pushes past the Admerial and runs to Ren to try to stop him. Stop please stop hurting him after he ignores her she takes his saber from his belt and ignites it pointing it at him this causes Ren to release Hux. What the hell do you think your doing Rey you don't know how to use it now hand it over before you hurt someone. He starts to walk towards her as he backs Rey against a wall she sees Hux laying on the floor. Why did you hurt him she yells at Ren. He's fine now give me my saber I'm not going to tell you again. He grabs Rey's wrist and pulls the saber from her and unignites it and puts it back on his belt. You told him didnt you how did he find out I erased it from you how did you remember. You wouldn't remember unless you are a force user. Hux stands up and walks over to them back off Ren Rey come with me as he takes her hand and leads her to his office.

You know he could have killed you when you did that. I know I just couldn't stop him hurting you and saw taking his saber the only option I had. Rey I can handle Ren I don't want him hurting you he says to her calmly. But I can't just stand there and watch him choke the life from you Rey says. I know love just stay in here I have to finish the discussion we was having promise me to stay in this room don't come out please promise me Rey. Yes Armitage I promise. Thank you love he turns and walks out and shuts the door behind him.

Ren now where were we Hux says to him well I was chocking you until that girl decides to intervene. She's not just a girl show a little respect to her. I might when she respects me. Also if you ever pull a stunt like that I will have you locked up understood do not touch her. You can't protect her everyday. Did she tell everything that happened or just the dinner and kiss. What do you mean just that, did something else happen. Hux says to Ren getting aggravated. Ren walks up to Hux well I can tell you she can't handle more than two glasses of wine without getting tipsy she fell asleep on me then when she woke she startled me causing us to fall off sofa i landed on her but nothing happened while I was on here yeah I wanted to kiss her then cause her eyes are enticing everything about her is so tempting and addicting I see why you want her so much Hux I'm surprised you haven't tried anything else but a kiss with her if I was you I would have already. Shut up Ren before I use that saber on you. He storms back into his office to see Rey sitting in a chair. It's okay love Im not upset with you before you think anything. Okay baby just was worried. It's okay come here I miss having you in my arms she stands up as he wraps his arms around her then lean apart then he kisses her passionately he let's his hand explore her running his hand through her hair he sits her down on the small sofa in his office still kissing her slowly move down to her neck nibbling on it then kissing her lips again she moans slightly as they exchange each kiss. Armitage my heart is yours and yours alone and so is mine Rey it's yours forever and always I love you

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