Two Become One

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                       As the sun rises over the horizon Rey wakes up to Hux holding her against his chest she smiles over at him and gently kisses his forehead as she gets out of bed trying not to wake him. She walks into the bathroom to shower she undresses and lets the hot water run down her face and skin. The biggest day of her life is about to happen today is the day she marries Hux the General of the first order and she couldn't be happier. as she gets dressed in slacks, blouse and boots there's a knock on the door. She walks over to see Phasma at the door, Good morning Phasma she says as she towel dries her hair. My lady just making sure you was awake as it is noon the wedding is in five hours when you are ready please come to your dressing room we have everyone in there to begin getting you prepped and ready. We'll send someone for the General here shortly. Thank You Phasma I'll be there shortly. Okay my Lady we will see you soon. Rey shuts the door and walks back into the bedroom to see Hux no longer in bed she hears the shower start Sneaky I see. she chuckles to herself as she walks back into the kitchen area and fixes them both some breakfast sandwiches. She places them on two plates and pours them each a cup of coffee and juice He walks in from the bedroom in a  shirt and jeans. Good Morning my bride She blushes and walks up to him and kisses him. Did you sleep well she asks him as she hugs him. come eat we have a busy day today he takes her hand and follows her to the table they sit and eat she notices he can't keep his eyes off of her. What is it Armitage is there something on my face. No just memorized by you love. She smiles as she finishes her plate and rinses it off it in the sink. Its going on 1 o clock. theres another knock on the door Hux answers it to see the admerial Sir we are ready for you now so please come along so we can get you ready. My lady i suggest you head down to your dressing room the girls are waiting for you. Thankyou Admerial i will be there shortly. Hux kisses Rey once more knowing it'll be the last time he see's her before their wedding. He walks out and shuts the door as Rey straightens up and heads down the hall to where Phasma and the rest are patiently waiting. She opens the door to everyone throwing rose petals and popping a bottle of champagne. She laughs and smiles whats all this rey says . Well there isn't many weddings in the first order and honestly were excited especially since our ginger has actually found someone he loves. Now come sit and drink a glass with us before you get ready. half an hour pass of them blaring music on the radio and drinking a little champagne. its roughly two and a half hours before she walks through the doors to her future husband. They have her sit in a chair infront of a vanity as Phasma begins combing out her hair. wow its actually pretty long why do you always keep it up. It's heavy Phasma believe me. Well lets see what i can do. she layers it out making it thinner while she straightens it to seperate. she begins curling pieces of reys hair and pinning them to the side. as some of the other girls begin doing her makeup and nails after an hour she is complete the only thing left is to get dressed. as they bring out the bag and unzip it a cathederal length gown fills the room. white as snow with Red accents they help rey into the gown and lace the corset up the girls help get her heels on as they put the smaller accents on the gown. they reach underneatht the gown to put the petti coat on to make the dress fuller. Rey slips the black lace gloves on her arms that reach past her elbows as Phasma places the double layer viel in Rey's hair along with a small crown with ruby and onix stones. some sprays of perfume here and there and shes ready. You look incredible they say to her as they step back making sure everything looks perfect.

          Down the hall the Admerial Hux and his groomsmen just finished a shot of whiskey and are begining to get dressed there's an hour left before the ceremony as Hux fastens the last button on his tuxedo and pins a red rose to it he looks in the mirror combing his hair nervous but couldn't be happier.

Sir if I may ask why are you nervous I mean everyone is nervous on their wedding day but you have this look of fear written across your face sir. Hux looks over at the Admerial I know I just hope Ren does not return today he was due to return yesterday but I'm hoping he won't until after the wedding. May I ask why general the Admerial steps back not wanting to get involved in any personal issues. The reason I am hoping he doesn't show today is because I know they feel for each other and I would rather there be no distractions because honestly if he tries to take her from me I'll kill him Admerial no ifs. As they head to the ceremony hall as it's five minutes before the ceremony begins guests have already taken there seats the doors open as Hux and the Admerial walk down the aisle with the priest they take there places at the alter as the groomsmen and bridesmaids walk down in pairs he sees Phasma walk in as the maid of honor along with some children throwing petals he knows in just a short few minutes his bride will come through the door he folds his hands behind his back as he waits patiently.

           The music begins as the outer doors swing open he takes a deep breath as he sees her come through the door she smile at him through the veil. His face lights up with joys as a tear falls down his face from happiness. He takes a step down from the alter as he extends his hand for her to take she takes his hand as he pulls her into an embrace. They stand hand in hand as the ceremony begins the priest recites the scriptures then begins the vows. Do you General Armitage Hux take this woman Rey to be your wife to cherish and to hold in sickness and in health till death do you part. I do Hux says proudly as he rubs his thumb on her hand admiring her.
And do you Rey take this man Armitage Hux general of the first order to be your husband to cherish and to hold in sickness and in health till death do you part. I do she says smiling as a tear rolls down her face from happiness. Now is there anyone here today who thinks these two should not be we'd please speak now or forever hold your peace. Hux gets nervous as he hopes that door does not open. A few moments pass as they wait. Since there are no objections I know pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss your bride. Hux steps forward and raises Rey's veil from her face he smiles at her  you look amazing love he says to her. So do you she smiles. He leans in and kisses her pulling her towards him everyone cheers the music begins as they walk down the aisle heading to the reception hall.

The dinner goes well as they cut the cake he feeds her a piece she puts a dollop of icing on his nose which ending in him doing the same lol they preceded to the dance floor as they begin the first dance of them being husband and wife. Everything is going perfect they don't notice that Kylo has shown up in full tuxedo and is sitting in the very back corner watching everything happen.  Everyone begins dancing with everyone Kylo walks up and dances with one of the deck crew he wants to get close to her but waits a little longer. He sits back down as the special dances begin. He sees Rey talking to the Admerial and notices Hux leaves the room he takes the opportunity and goes up behind her. The Admerial sees him approach and his eyes widen. Admerial what's wrong she says hmmm nothing my lady it's nothing. Just as he says that Ren come behind her and places his hands on her shoulders hello my love. She goes pale then turns around Ben what what are you doing here. You honestly thi m i would miss this seeing you look amazing when I want to hold you in my arms for myself. He says to her as he holds her tighter around the arms.  Rey looks at him Ben I'm sorry. But I can't do this she tries to leave his grasp when he pulls her back he leans down to whisper in her ear you know this is what you want not with him but me. I'm sorry Ben but I need to go he pulls her back towards him again. I'm sorry Rey but your not leaving that easily. What do you mean Ben I need to find Armitage now please remove your hand I'm sorry Rey I don't think so we need to talk and I mean it. But she says before she can get another word he knocks her out using the force and carries her out of the room. The Admerial sees him leaving with her and starts to panic he could hear them arguing he starts searching the ball room for the General but can't find him. Suddenly Hux runs in with some storm troopers Admerial where is she where is Rey he says scared. Sir it's Ren he has her. What do you mean he has her did she go with him or did he take her. Sir you need to find him I don't know what he is going to do she tried to walk away but he wasn't letting go. Hux gets pissed and his skin flushes with anger. I'll kill him he storms out of the ball and starts heading to Ren's chambers he gets to the door but it's locked he starts banging on it. Ren open this damn door now

No answer Ren hears him banging on the door but ignores him. Ren lays her on his bed as he sits beside her caressing her. She begins to wake up but he instantly places his finger on her lips to silence her. She tries to jump up but he stops her. Don't do this to me Rey I love you he whispers to her just let me have this moment. Ben this can't happen and you know this. I'm sorry but plz just let me leave and return to my reception. Don't make me do this Rey please. I'm sorry Ben I really am but I'm with Armitage. Ren doesn't care he pulls her closer to him I don't want to loose you Rey don't leave me if you do I'll kill you both. Rey has fear in her eyes not wanting to lose her life let alone she doesn't want to lose her husband's life. He takes her hand and pulls her closer to him. He moves hair from her face and kisses her. She is caught off guard and returns the kiss on accident. That's more like it he whispers as he kisses her again she tries to pull away but at same time she misses his touch. Ben no please don't do this. Hux is still banging on the door he gets tired of it and shoots the lock off on the door it opens and rushes into his bedroom. Get away from her you fucking bastard Hux yells as be points the blaster at Ren. I said let go of her. And if I don't his what are you going to do shoot at me you'll hit her don't test me. Rey looks at her husband trying to get out of Ren's grasp but before she could suceed Ren knocks her out again. Ren leaves her on his bed as he walks by Hux you have no clue what war you just started and you have no idea how I miss the feel of her kiss and lips he says as he walks by hux.

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