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My name is Izuku Midoriya. I own the Quirk known as Parasyte. I can alter my body to where I can form appendages that are like weapons. For example, I could alter my arms to be sword-like appendages. Not just that, but I could make my body elastic or harden it to the point where it could possibly be harder than steel although it takes stamina to maintain it. I could also temporarily become stronger by eating raw meat.

Another part of my Quirk is that I could gain up to 5 extra Quirks. If I were to touch a Quirk User's blood, then I could gain a copy of their Quirk. I've never done it before though.

Now, when you read the description of my Quirk, you'd think it's wonderful or something, but that's not true at all. This Quirk is a curse. My life was perfect up until my Quirk appeared. After I was informed about what my Quirk was from the doctor, I thought that it was great! It meant I could become a hero! Then my dad found out about my Quirk.

"That's not a Quirk! That's a demon spawn! Get rid of it Inko!" My dad yelled.

"H-H-Hisashi. " Mom whimpered.

"Make a choice Inko. It's either me or this thing. " He looked at me in disgust.

I squirmed under his gaze. It was just so unnerving with the fact that just a day ago he was the best dad you could ever have. To think the sudden change was because of the manifestation of my Quirk.

"Inko, make a decision! On the count of three, you better make a decision or else I'm leaving! 1!"




"3! Come to a decision yet?!" Hisashi roared.

"H-Hisashi. Please listen."

"Save it. Since you couldn't come to a decision, I have! I'm leaving!" He left and slammed the door behind him.

Mom was crying. The scenery was just gloomy. It was my 4th birthday and my dad left. Okay. Hopefully it would be better the next day.... No. It wasn't.

When the kids found out about my Quirk, all of a sudden everyone  became distant. I could see it in their eyes. They thought I was a monster. Not even Kachaan would approach me. For years, I was isolated. No-one would approach me. The only times they would approach me would be to tell me that my Quirk was villainous and that I should end it all to make it easier for everyone else.

There were times where I thought that they were right. That I should end it all to make it easier for everyone else. I even set up all that would be required to do the deed, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I wanted to live, but my existence brought pain and suffering onto others. I collapsed and cried myself to sleep whenever I tried and failed at ending it all.

By time I was 8, my eyes were all dried out. I built up a wall to block my emotions. I was completely emotionless. The only one that I showed my emotions to was my mother. She was the one to take care of me and raise me to the best of her ability for the longest. She was the only one to not turn her back on me as soon as she found out my Quirk.

I was bullied by Kac-Katsuki for a while now. He became very popular for his Quirk and grew an ego. He was followed around by other students from our school who worshipped the ground he walked on. He was just a genuine jerk to them, but they didn't seem to care. That got on my nerves.

They would usually call me names and make up rumors about me in order to make me look bad. I absolutely hated it, but my mother was the only reason why I didn't attack them the first time they did it.

Unfortunately, Katsuki decided to push my buttons too far. He broke through my emotional barrier and he played the price.

"Look at yourself Deku. You're the reason why your mother is the way she is now. You're the reason why your dad walked out on you. Your Quirk belongs to a villain. You should let us beat you up because we all know you're going to be a villain in the future anyways. I know why your old man left too. Rumors are saying your mom didn't remain faithful." Katsuki stated.

This made my blood boil. I morphed my arms into muscular arms with the muscle fibers showing and my fingers turned into blades. I jumped at Katsuki and his goons.

I attacked them, but I didn't leave them in crippling decisions. Yes they had to go to the hospital, but the harm done to their bodies weren't to the point it would leave permanent marks. The most harmful attack was when I broke Katsuki's arm. I regretted it afterward, but in the moment, it felt good. Absolutely no-one was allowed to talk about my mother like that.

I refused to let them say bad on my mother's name. After all she'd done for me, I couldn't accept that. The worst part was when they showed up to class a couple of days later saying that I attacked them for no reason. The kids were even more wary of me than before and the parents of Katsuki's goons were knocking down my mother's door telling her their kids side of the story.

I was angry because my mother was taking all of this ridicule from the parents of those kids because of me. Only Aunt Mitsuki didn't confront my mother because she knew what really happened. She was the only one that took the time to listen to my side of the story.

She knew about Katsuki's personality and to confirm her suspicions, she confronted Katsuki about it. After some threatening of taking away his TV time and toys, he confessed to the truth. Unfortunately for him, his privileges were still taken away.

Was I happy about that? Very! But what about my mother? The parents of the kids were threatening her with a lawsuit. I knew she couldn't afford a lawyer and the ones that Japan offered for those who couldn't afford one weren't any good at all because of the amount of cases they have to deal with on a regular basis.

I couldn't stand to see my mother upset any longer. That was why I decided to make a drastic decision.

I wrote a letter to my mother about why I decided to do what I did, packed my clothes in a bookbag, and ran away. I used my curse of a Quirk to help me cover more distance while I ran off in the night. It was time to start anew. Hopefully my mother's life would be better without me.

Tears ran down my eyes, but I wiped them off my face as I fled into the night. Life would be better without me anyways.

It's time to start all over. Become a new person. Someone that doesn't hurt others merely by existing.

A/N: Parasyte Izuku is back with differences I can't remember specifically. I'm rusty at writing, but it will improve over time. Send me your OCs so I can implement them into the story because I want Izuku to go through some struggles before becoming a ********. Oh, and Izuku is going to be OP, but he should go through struggles to attain that OP status. That's only fair. There will be major character deaths. I'm not saying who though.

I don't support the themes mentioned in this chapter. This is meant for backstory purposes. That is all. Happy Holidays everyone!

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