Part 2

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"Hey. Crow guy. You mentioned hearing some exaggerated stories, right?" Yogan asked.

He nodded. 

"What's the most exaggerated story that you've heard? Because I don't know how someone could make a story more intense than that."

"Hmm. Well, basically everything that Kuro just said, but it was actually him who did most of that stuff. Not the family."

I didn't believe that Kuro would do all of that to his adoptive family. There was no way that the exaggerated story the bird guy just mentioned was true. Kuro didn't seem like the type to lie either. 

"And then the worst part about it was that apparently all the family ever told him was that they would never see him as family. It seemed kind of harsh, but some say that the reason for saying that is because Kuro was a very big boy. They couldn't afford his necessities. It was like trying to provide for 10 fully grown men and they didn't have that sort of money so they'd eventually need to send him to another foster family."

That...made sense. Too much sense honestly. It didn't sound exaggerated at all unlike Kuro's story. Then I looked back to Kuro for answers. What I ended up seeing was Kuro rubbing the back of his head with a sheepish look on his face.

"Huh. You know what? I actually think what you said is actually what really happened. For the longest, I thought it was the other way around."

I was shocked. I was so shocked that I lost my form for the time being. My mouth was left gaping when I heard him say those words. 

"Is everything alright?" Kuro questioned with a seemingly innocent smile.

When I first heard this question, especially with the smile he had on his face since he did shrink down, I was really questioning his mental state. He just admitted to killing a whole family with very little explanation as to why. I honestly started to feel bad for him since he was probably not in the right mental state at the time. Well, that was my original thought process until my instincts were screaming at me to get on the defensive and run. That's when I realized that that smile of his reeked of blood lust. That question he asked...That wasn't a question. 

That was a warning.

"No." I answered.

"I'm sorry. What'd you say pa-"

"You heard what I said."

I started to grip my fists so hard that my nails even started to pierce my skin causing it to bleed a little. I couldn't even look him straight in the face anymore hearing this. 

"And don't call me pal. You need help. You're extremely sick in the head and you don't even realize it! Do you realize what you just said?! You admitted to murdering perfectly innocent people who only had your best interests in mind and you're just brushing it off like it's no big deal!"

The whole area was silent for a good minute. Tension in the air too dense for even a sword to cut through it. It even started to rain, but the splash of rain hitting the ground was the only sound being made here.

"You're just like him!" He yelled.

I looked up at him in shock hearing his response.

"You're just like my father! He left my mother and me when I was just barely a toddler after finding out about my Quirk and my medical conditions! As soon as things became difficult, he left and never came back! Now, you're about to do the same thing! Leave me and act like you never knew me because you don't want to associate yourself with someone who kills!"

I couldn't tell if he was crying or not from the rain, but I could hear his voice crack. Suddenly, Yogan stepped up. 

"No. It's because you're a pathological liar. You lied about your whole origin story. I did find it suspicious after all that you can't go past 30 arms and even if you did, what about the growth and size increase? Taking that into account, you would've been all over the news as some sort of Kaiju with however so many arms. You'd've been seen all over Japan if you actually went into your full transformation. It didn't add up at all." Yogan stated.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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