Next Level

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A/N: You can play the music at any time you want. It's just one of those free beats you see on YouTube. I really liked the sound of this one.


I launched myself at Mr. Lee's killer. I swung one of my blades at them although it wasn't the sharp part. It was the flat part. The evildoer was caught off guard and I made a mighty blow to their head. They fell to the ground seemingly unconscious. I breathed in and out trying to gain control of my bloodlust at the moment.

"That was too easy." I muttered.

"You're right kid! That was too easy!" 

My eyes widened at hearing this person's voice. Instead of fear or anything like that, I only felt killer intent. Pure, unbridled rage flowed through my veins. I growled and launched myself at this fiend. This time, they were prepared. Something resembling the formation of feathers on a wing sprouted from their shoulder area and blocked my blade attack. I was surprised to say the very least. 

"Oh, poor little child. You actually thought that I wasn't aware of your presence this whole time? I knew you were here as soon as you opened the door! I was going to leave you alone since my business was over with, but no! You had to be the hero! Didn't you?" They spoke. 

I pushed myself off of them, but not before they shot several projectiles at me. I morphed one of my arms into a shield like appendage and managed to save myself from most of the onslaught of projectiles. Unfortunately, a few managed to scrape my legs. It hurt, but I would tend to those later. Right now, I was charging in head first blocking most of the projectiles aimed at me from this person with a few managing to hit me. The arm that was still a blade went to stab one of their limbs. Not enough to kill them, but enough to leave them injured. I only managed to stab their hand. 

"Grrrr! I'll get you for that brat!" 

I could see that their hand was bleeding. If it weren't for those bandages, there may have been some dripping onto the floor that I could touch so I could copy their Quirk. If only they didn't have those bandages on. 

The mummy started throwing larger projectiles that had more of an impact. They actually managed to push me back by quite a bit. That wasn't all though because the mummy ran at me. I had my shield out to block any incoming attacks and my blade appendage out to put some serious damage on them. What I didn't see coming is for them to have made a backflip and shoot me with their projectiles in my back. I yelped in pain and got on my knees. 

"Yes! Get on your knees and show the world who is superior! Accept your fate for involving yourself in adult affairs that didn't require your help!" They stated narcissistically. 

I grit my teeth and pushed myself up.

"For Mr. Lee." I whispered. 

"You must have a lot of resilience to get up from an attack like that. Most of the time, when I use that attack, the unlucky person doesn't get up for a LONG time." 

I didn't respond to their comment, but instead, I managed to stab them in their foot.

"Curse you!" They yelled in pain. "Now you're really going to pay!"

All of a sudden, their body began to morph into something larger. Their bandages began to rip off and in the mummy's place was a giant, white, red, and black creature. They certainly were no Santa Claus by the way. They had a mask like head with four horns and a single eye in the center of the mask. Three markings could be seen on their cheeks and forehead. They also had a gargantuan mouth. Actually, their whole size was gargantuan. They were towering over me. They were hunched over as to not make their head hit the ceiling.

"HAHA! NOW YOU'RE DEAD BRAT!" The figure laughed and lifted one of their hands to try and squish me.

I moved out of the way quickly and got behind their hand, stabbing it with my sword....Or at least I tried because more shards came at me. These were the biggest yet! I was running away from the endless amount of shards until I stopped hearing the crashing sounds. Once I heard it stop, I stopped myself and turned around. I could see the 'person' panting. They seemed to be out of breath. 

'Perhaps being in that form and launching those crystal like attacks takes a heavy drain on stamina.' I speculated. 

I switched the sword-like appendage to something reminiscent of a whip with spikes considering how it was slowing me down. I kept the shield for defense purposes and I leaped towards the beast's 'face.' I swung my whip arm at them, but they managed to stop it in time to not cause too much damage. It still left a vertical gash running across their right cheek though. They were, to my shock, acting as if they were fine from such an attack. Despite the wound, they seemed to be acting as if I didn't just leave a huge wound running across their face. 


'Breathe in. Breathe out. Control your emotions. You got this.' I told myself before running back at them doing the same movement as before.

They lifted up their wounded hand to smack me away, but this was exactly what I was hoping for. I quickly shifted from my whip appendage to the blade and stabbed them again in a different area of the hand, but still close to the first wound. The result was that their hand started dripping blood. Blood that I could use. I cracked a smile and raced for the blood to touch. The demon in white had different plans though. As soon as they spotted me trying to run towards them, they launched more shards at me. Rather than just hold myself behind the shield, I pushed myself forward dodging the seemingly endless shard onslaught. I wasn't having it when I was this close now. 

I morphed my legs into springs of sorts to help with my agility and close the distance faster. The shards were still coming and I was getting pierced more than I was before, but it was worth it because I made it to this monstrosity's arm and started running down it to get to their bleeding hand.


They tried to shake me off of their arm, but it was no use. I was going too fast for them to catch me. It was a shame I couldn't hold this for long or else I would have used it from the very beginning and have ended the battle prematurely. Anyways, I did manage to make it to their bleeding hand and I did what no sane man would do. I reached out and touched the wound marks. They screamed in pain, but I ignored it. I pulled out my currently normal hand and looked to see it was covered in blood. I jumped off of the target and onto the ground where my bloodlust was far less contained than originally. I did feel that cold chill crawl up my back, but I ignored it and decided to do something rash. I tried Mr. Lee's killer's Quirk on for size.

"It's time for you to have a taste of your own medicine!" I yelled/sang. 


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"No. Way." The evildoer whispered in complete shock and terror.

A/N: Be sure to provide your own OCs for this story that fill out my requirements. I will give credit to you for creating the OCs. I want to extend the backstory more. Maybe 10 chapters. Give or take a few. It's 2:30 AM where I live. So yeah. Good night. These chapters are probably going to stick to 1k until we get into the main story.

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