Becoming OP

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When I woke up from being unconscious, the first thing I noticed was the aroma of food. It made my stomach growl. I must've been out for a while in order for me to be this hungry. It actually caused me to blush.

"Oh! You're awake! Thats great to hear!" An unfamiliar voice stated excitedly.

I looked around to see who was talking until I saw the figure from before with the glow in red eyes.

"Hey! I saw you fight that other guy earlier! It was awesome! The way you just kept on transforming and finding new ways to bring him down! I even recorded it! You looked so cool!"

The figure started to step out of the dark to reveal a boy who looked to be around my age. He had red hair, red eyes, and....

"Waaaahhhh!" I stumbled back.

I was caught off guard by the number of arms they had. 20 arms! Something like 4-6 didn't seem all that unusual, but 20 was very unusual indeed. I was screaming in fright, but, suddenly, the figure practically flew over to me and flicked me in the head. The strength from that flick alone launched me all the way to the other side and left a bruise on my head.

"Ow." I rubbed my head.

"Awww! You were so cool back there when you were fighting that other guy and taking powerful blows, but you never went down! Now you get hurt by a super duper gentle pluck to the head? What's up with that?" The figure questioned.

I was shocked when they said "gentle." That flick sent me flying to the other side of....wherever we are.

"You're joking, right? And where are we? Who are you? W-"

"You talk too much. Thats my thing. As for your questions, we are currently in my living quarters. My bunker to be more specific. Think of it like my own version of the Bat cave!"

The way they said that last part made me snort.

"Are you, perhaps, a comic nerd?" I asked.

"We prefer the term 'Comic Enthusiast'. Thank you very much."

I snorted again. All the tension I felt before was gone.

"Back to your other question before I was so rudely interrupted. My name is Ugokenai Kurososu, but you can call me Kuro for short."

"OK Kuro. Since you told me your name, I guess its fair for me to tell you my name. Well. The name I go by anyways. My name is Shinichi. So, where are your parents?"

"Not around."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I live on my own. I didn't really like the people that adopted me got on my nerves. They only wanted me because the government would pay them to take care of me, so I struck out on my own and became a bounty hunter. Currently, there's this guy with a big bounty on his head. He has a transformation Quirk that turns him into this giant dog with three heads and immense strength. Currently, he's kinda out of my league, but, when I saw you fight that other guy, I was thinking you could, I don't know, help me take him down?"

"Pause. What kind of family just lets a little kid leave like that? I'm willing to help since I don't know what would have happened to me if you didn't take me here, but please explain to me how you could walk out like that?"

"Wellllllll. I fought both parents and their kids. They had decent Quirks, but my natural talent and Quirk simply overpowered them. I know I left them with bruises and stuff like that, but I don't really know what happened to them after that. All I know is that I am free to do what I want."

"Speaking of Quirks, what exactly is yours?"

"My Quirk allows me to grow up to a maximum of 100 arms and grow in size while doing so. The amount of arms represent the percentage of my full power. 100 arms means I'm going all out. Problem is that I burn stamina faster the more arms I have. I can't really handle my full power yet since I don't have enough stamina, but oh well."

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