Fear Me

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Fear is a very powerful thing. Wouldn't you think so? Fear has been a factor in pretty much everything us humans have done over the years. Wouldn't you think so? Well, what if I told you there was someone who could harness the power of fear? And they weren't even an adolescent yet. Well, what if I told you that person was me? Izuku Midoriya AKA Shinichi. 

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"No. Way."

If it weren't for the mask, they would have seen me smile maliciously before rushing at them. I switched one of my arms to the Blacklight sword and swung at their head. They raised their arm in defense, but it was actually a feint. It left them wide open for me to shoot these red crystals, or whatever you call these projectiles, at them. My aim wasn't perfect and I ended up causing some of the projectiles to miss the target, but I did get a decent amount in. 

"H-How? You can copy Quirks or something?!" They yelled at me while breathing heavily due to the pain they must be feeling. 

I remained quiet though. 

"Answer me!" They yelled while shooting their own good amount of projectiles at me. 

I blocked most of them by morphing my other arm into the Parasyte shield, although a couple managed to slip by. After their assault of projectiles was over, I looked at them dead in the 'face'. 

"No." I said in a new, deep, hollow voice. 

'SO COOL!' I thought internally.

"I'll kill you!" 

They leaped towards me, but I slammed my shield across their face causing them to fall to the ground.  

"You're getting a taste of your own medicine. You killed Mr. Lee in his frail state, but that's the only way you could ever stand a chance against him. The way you use your Quirk is just plain bad. That's why you could never defeat Mr. Lee. Now, look at you. You're getting put down by a 10 year old!" I stated.

"Oh yeah?! Well, how about you fight me only using my Quirk?! If I'm so bad at using my Quirk, then surely you could do a much better job!" They suggested while screaming on the ground.

"Gladly." I stated.

I morphed my arms back to normal for the form I was in and was about to attack again until-

"You fool!" They yelled while releasing a torrent of projectiles.

I immediately counter-attacked by shooting projectiles that crashed into their own.  

"Well..." I said.



"I'm not giving up just yet! I still have one more trick up my sleeve!" They yelled. 

They touched my foot and I was getting electrocuted. That was painful! 

I growled in pain and looked down at them. They seemed to smile as they hardened their feather-like appendage and got up. They didn't bother to hunch down anymore and went to full length breaking off the roof. This angered me even more. 

"You're going to die." I proclaimed.

"Good luck with that kid. You may have had a chance while I was hunched over, but now that I'm at full height, there is a noticeable height difference between the two of-"

While they were talking, I was thinking about the fact they were able to summon lightning from their hand and if I could do that as well. I tried summoning lightning into my hand, but it wasn't working. Perhaps-

Before I could even finish thinking, the monster of a person lunged at me trying to take me down. In the heat of the moment, something happened. A combination between all three of the Quirks I had at my disposal.

First, my arms began showing muscle fibers with blades appearing from certain places, mainly being where my fingers are supposed to be. Then, hammer-like appendages appeared over my hands with the blades still piercing through. It looked like there was a layer of meteoroids that were glowing green, but looked a bit meaty, covering my arms. 

Finally, the wing-like appendage spread out more until they looked like a fallen angels' wings. Lightning spread throughout the appendage and the wings shot lightning at the person. I swung my hammerfists at them and began to pummel them down to the ground. They shot their projectiles at me, but I used a counterattack and then shot lightning at them as well. It didn't put them down for long though.

As soon as they tried to get back up, I shot projectiles at their hands and feet. They screamed in pain, but managed to get up and headbutt me. The attack knocked the breath out of me for the moment, but I could tell they weren't in the best condition either. They were fighting sloppy. Sloppier than before. The way they fought now was out of desperation to end the fight as soon as possible since they were low on stamina. The Blacklight Quirk gave me more stamina than the average person and the bloodlust that comes along with gaining another Quirk was a factor into why I was still able to stand strong. 

"You're fighting out of desperation." I stated.

"SHUT UP!" They barked. 

I looked at them silently. I almost felt sorry for them with how they were so confident and were in control during the beginning and now they could barely stand on their own two feet. It would make any man feel almost sorry for them. Almost.

I hit them in the side of their head with one of my hammerfists and they were sent flying out of the area and into the street where immediate action was taking place. Pros and police arrived on the scene to detain him while I quickly shrunk down to normal size in order to not get caught. I was breathing heavily now that the bloodlust was gone. I couldn't bring myself to kill that demon. It was unbefitting of a hero. I could only imagine how Mr. Lee would feel if I killed that person. I could barely focus on one thing now. I had to take a kneel while trying to catch my breath. My body was covered in scrapes and bruises. I was bleeding. Everything hurt. At any moment, I could black out. Then I heard their voice.


When I heard this, I realized that there was a possibility he was just a lackey to a higher power of villains with powerful Quirks. I didn't have the strength to continue though. Right when I was about to faint from the pain, I saw a figure with 4 arms, glowing red eyes, and what I assumed to be spiky red hair, don't quote me on that, appear and grab me lifting me up. After that, I don't know what happened because I fell into unconsciousness. 

A/N: Heyo! For those that like this story and have it in their library, I would greatly appreciate it for you to send OCs. I'm thinking of having a Cerberus Quirk in this story. Can you guys make OCs that have something related to Cerberus or any interesting Quirk in general so I can add it to the story? I will give shout-outs to those who give me OCs that aren't stupidly overpowered and don't have a great enough drawback to balance it out. BTW, shout-out to Desu-Boss for helping me to add a new character to the story in order to wrap up the fighting between Deku and the Ghoul Quirk user. Now, until I get OCs from people besides Desu-Boss, there won't be any updates. This story depends on your input. If I'm not getting in any input, I can't give any output. Also, I am going to release a new story where Deku is the illegitimate child of Endeavor since it was 2 people saying that against 1 who said something different. Bionic-TitanX out!

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