Chapter 9

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***Tyler's POV***
We're standing outside while I wait for my bus and I notice she's quiet.
"You ok?" I ask quietly.
She smiles shyly and nods.
"Yeah. Just thinking about something." She answers.
"Wanna elaborate?" I ask.
She bites her lip and looks at the ground. I step closer to her and take her hand in mine.
"It's about this morning before class." She whispers.
I rack my brain not sure what she's talking about specifically because several things happened this morning.
"Was it my running?" I ask quietly.
She looks up at me suddenly and I see the touch of fear in her eyes. I keep my grip loose and allow her to talk.
"How are you so fast?" She whispers.
I look at the tree and take a deep breath.
"Long story?" I say questioningly.
She steps closer and drapes her arms around my neck. Her fingers run through my hair at the nape of my neck and I squirm a little.
"Please tell me baby." She whispers.
I look into her blue eyes that instantly captivate me. Before even thinking about it, I tell her.
"I'm a hybrid. Werewolf, vampire, demon, human." I whisper.
She places her hand on my cheek and I see the concern in her eyes.
"Is that why you've been on your own?" She whispers.
I look away and nod.
"Yeah. But there is something else you need to know." I mumble.
"What is it love?" She asks quietly.
I bite my lip and look down.
"I'm not like other girls." I whisper.
"What do you mean?" She whispers.
I look at her and get nervous.
"I'm female from the waist up. Male from the waist down." I whisper quietly.
She wraps her arms around my waist and snuggles her face against my chest.
"I don't care that you are what you are. I still want to be with you Ty." She whispers.
I wrap my arms around her tightly and sigh in relief.
"Dinner tonight?" I ask softly.
She looks up at me and smiles.
"I'd like that. I know a secluded place. If you're interested in secluded places." She says softly.
I smile and kiss her lips gently.
"I enjoy secluded places." I whisper.
She smiles and steps back.
"I do too. What time?" She says quietly.
I smile and hand her my keys.
"You can drive my car home. I'll run home. I don't get back here till 4 anyways. I was thinking 6 would be good for dinner." I say softly.
She pulls me to her and kisses me.
"Alright baby. See you at 5:45?" She whispers.
I smile and kiss her again.
"Sure thing baby. You should get back inside. It's chilly out." I whisper.
She looks up at me and I see she doesn't want to go.
"Ok." She whispers.
But she doesn't move.
"What do you feel when you're with me right now?" I ask randomly.
She bites her lip.
"I feel like this is where I belong. I don't want to let you go. I don't want to be away from you. I've felt this way since I bumped into you." She whispers.
I sigh and pull her into me.
"I know exactly how you feel." I whisper.
She sighs in relief and snuggles into me.
"I really don't want to go." She whispers.
I step back a little and look her in the eye. I pull out my cologne and spray a bit on the jacket she's wearing.
"This'll help with the seperation. I got soccer try-outs tonight after school. So I may be a little late." I say softly.
She bites her lip again.
"Which team are you trying out for?" She asks.
"Boys team of course." I answer casually.
She smiles and blushes.
"You mind if I watch?" She asks.
"Not at all. We'll push dinner off till 7:30ish?" I say.
She nods her head. I sneak another kiss real quick.
"See you after school." She whispers.
"Yes you will." I whisper.
She starts to walk away and I turn to get on my bus.
"I think I love you." She whispers.
I turn and smile at her.
"I think I love you too." I answer.
She blushes and I get on the bus. My phone buzzes.
You heard me? - Rachel.
Yeah babe I did. - Tyler.
How? - Rachel.
My hearing is stronger than others. Because of what I am, I have more sensitive hearing. It's why I have special earbuds. - Tyler.
I didn't know that. - Rachel.
I sigh and bite my lip.
There is a chance that you might be turned into one as well... - Tyler.
I watch the dots appear, dissappear, and reappear before getting her response.
If it means being with you, I'll take that chance babe. - Rachel.
I bite my lip and smile as I type a response.
I'm lucky to be dating someone like you babe. - Tyler
How would you feel about me calling you my girlfriend? - Rachel.
I blush and type back.
Are you asking me to be your girlfriend? - Tyler.
Maybe. - Rachel.
Well actually, I prefer more masculine pronouns babe. I mean I don't mind being called your girlfriend. I just don't prefer feminine pronouns. - Tyler.
That's fine. What would you prefer to be called? - Rachel.
Honestly, I'd prefer to be called your boyfriend. - Tyler.
Alright baby. Boyfriend it is. - Rachel.
Thank you for respecting me babe. - Tyler.
Of course. I gotta get prepped for my next class. See you after school? - Rachel.
Of course. - Tyler.
I smile and sit back in my seat as I wait for my bus to arrive at CACC. When the bus arrives, I quickly make my way to class and enjoy the class knowing we go to the lab and start getting familiar with the tools we'll need to know for the rest of class today.

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