Chapter 21

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***Tyler's POV***
I get out of the car as she gets to the door and she turns to look at me. I smile at her and lean against the car. She knocks on the door and a lady opens the door. She glares my way and Rachel slaps her arm.
"Enough. He came home and broke down bawling. The man doesn't cry over anyone." Rachel growls at her quietly.
Her companion stops and goes inside. A moment later a little girl is dodging her mother and running towards me.
"Daddy!" She calls.
I kneel down and catch her in a hug. I hold her and tears slide down my face.
"I'm home now princess." I whisper.
She burries her face in my neck and holds me tight in her little arms. I smile and rub her back softly. I look at Rachel who is making her way to us and she smiles.
"I took pictures of that." She states proudly.
I mouth a thank you to her and hold my little girl. She smiles and opens the passenger door for me. I get in and buckle in with my daughter in my lap. Evangelina looks up at me.
"Daddy are you leaving again?" She asks suddenly.
I look down at her and fight back the tears.
"No princess. Whether your mother likes it or not, I'm home to stay. I'm not leaving you Angel." I whisper.
She smiles and starts bouncing in my lap.
"Hear that mommy? Daddy said he's not leaving." Angel says excitedly.
We both laugh at her and I wrap my arms around her.
"Settle down now Angel. Mommy's driving." I tell her.
We go home and I look up at Rachel. I see tears in her eyes and know something is wrong.
"Daddy can I go play?" Angel asks.
"Sure honey. But stay in hollering distance." I answer.
She smiles and goes in the back yard. Leaving me to talk to Rachel.
"Did you mean what you said?" She asks.
"About staying and not leaving her?" I ask.
She nods her head biting her lip.
"Yeah." She whispers.
I pull her into me and she burries her face in my chest.
"Honey I'm not leaving you either. I told you I'm home to stay. Besides we don't even know if she'll be like me. If we're lucky she won't be." I whisper.
We hear a howl come from the back yard and my blood runs cold. I look at Rachel and run for the back yard. I shift and reach the back yard just in time to see my ex there. I stop and watch her watch me. Next thing I know, before I can even take a step, she goes for my daughter and grabs her by the throat.
I growl viciously and lunge for her throat. I hear the bones crack in Angel's neck and know she won't make it. I watch the blood pool out of her neck as she lands on the ground. I fight with my ex till I kill her. I watch the blood ooze out of her body as she bleeds to death. I find satisfaction in watching her die. I go over to check on Evangelina and flop down next to her. I instinctively curl around her and lay my head next to hers. I hear her struggle for her last breathe and know there is nothing I can do. We can't move her and the paramedics won't get here fast enough.
Rachel arrives by my side and I growl softly at her. I look at her and know she sees the pain in my eyes. She runs her fingers through my fur and I lay my head in her lap.
"Is there anything we can do?" She whispers as tears slide down her face.
"No honey there isn't." I answer.
She breaks down crying and burries her face in my fur. I curl my neck around her in comfort and listen to her cry over our daughter. I lay there numb to everything. I can't believe the day I meet my daughter, I watch her get killed in front of my very eyes. I start whimpering and tears slide down my face. I can't believe what just happened to my precious little girl. I'm just sorry it wasn't me.
"I wish it would've been me" I whisper.
"Don't talk like that." Rachel scolds.
"But just think about it Rachel, if it had been me, we'd all be together tonight. The day I come home and meet my daughter my stupid ex has to show up and attack her." I growl.
I get up and go inside. I shift back and go take a shower. I put on a clean pair of jeans and go back down stairs. I see Rachel in the doorway staring at me.
"Honey it isn't your fault." She says.
I look at her dumbfounded.
"Bullshit! If I had never come back, I'd never have known about her and you'd still have a little girl crawling in bed with you tonight!" I yell.
She ducks her head down and steps outside. I pick up the nearest thing to me and throw it right at the TV. Hearing a satisfying crack as the screen cracks. I break down bawling and drive my fist through the wall.
"Fuck I'm so stupid." I whisper.
I hear sirens approach and know it's an ambulance. I go to the doorway and watch them pull up. I go up to them and guide them to the back. I look at Rachel and she nods. She answers all their questions. They need her to go to the hospital with them to verify who it is.
"There will be more. Don't return here. Go stay with a friend for a few days. It's not safe. I have to stay here. I'm the closest to what can stop them." I tell her.
She kisses me and I kiss her back.
"I love you Rachel. Remember that always." I whisper.

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