Chapter 23

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***Tyler's POV***
I look at them all and shake my head.
"Y'all are pathetic coming here all of a sudden and killing off my daughter." I growl.
I hear someone approach from behind and hear them taunt me.
"Don't forget about your precious little wife." They taunt.
"You didn't?" I growl.
"I did. She begged me to end her. I see it in her eyes. Don't believe me go look." They taunt.
I go inside and see Rachel laying there in a puddle of her own blood. I check her pulse and she's gone.
"Dammit. Why couldn't you have just listened to me for once Rachel?" I asked quietly.
I hear something behind me and see my mother standing there. I get up off my knees and start yellinv at her
"Are you fucking happy now?! You killed off my family you stupid bitch!" I yell at her.
"I won't be happy until you're little ungrateful ass straightens up and comes home." She growls.
I laugh.
"Too bad! I won't go anywhere with you. You had my family fucking killed! I rather die than go with you!" I yell.
She laughs evilly and smiles at me.
"That can be arranged my son." She says.
"Do it! I refuse to live without my soon to be wife and my daughter!" I yell.
With that she lunges for my throat and I don't even stop her. I wanna die. My family is dead. I have nothing left to fight for. I feel my blood flow down my skin and let it go. All I can think about is joining my girls again soon. I feel myself getting weaker and weaker. I look at my mother.
"Finish me." I manage to say.
She obliges even more and within a few more moments I close my eyes for the last time. I go up to heaven and see my family waiting for me at the great big gates.

~~~~~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~~~

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