Chapter 10

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***Ms. Lykin's POV***
I try to patiently wait for the day to go by but I can't help but be anxious to see her tonight after school. My phone buzzes and I pull it out.
You got class? - Tyler.
Yeah. But class is almost over. You thinking about coming in and staying till practice? - Rachel.
I was. If you don't mind. - Tyler.
Not at all. I'd like that babe. - Rachel.
The bell rings at that moment and I dismiss the students. I make my way to my classroom door and see her walking towards me. I can't help but smile at the sight of her. We step inside the classroom and I can't help but to talk to her and hold her.
"Hi baby." I whisper wrapping my arms around her gently.
She smiles and holds me back.
"Hey beautiful." She whispers.
"I missed you." I whisper.
She smiles and kisses my forehead.
"I missed you too love." She answers quietly.
I sigh and snuggle into her warm embrace. She runs her fingers through my hair and I can feel so relaxed.
"Is it wierd that when you hold me I feel like I'm home?" I whisper quietly.
She holds me tighter and I can tell she's anxious.
"Not at all love. Why do you think it's wierd?" She answers softly.
"I've never felt this way before. Let alone felt this strongly for someone else this fast." I answer quietly.
She pulls away and looks at me.
"Does that worry you?" She asks gently.
I bite my lip and look at her.
"Maybe a little." I admit quietly.
She gently holds my face in her hands and smiles reassuringly.
"It's ok. It worries me too. But I got you. I got us." She whispers.
"Really?" I ask quietly.
She presses her lips to my forehead softly and smiles at me.
" I got us babe. I promise." She whispers softly.
I kiss her lips gently and rest my forehead against hers. I sigh contentedly when her fingers run up and down my back gently.
"I'm falling for you. Hard. It's only been a day." I whisper.
"Me too babe. Me too." She whispers.
I look up at her and pull away suddenly. She looks at me concernedly but allows the space.
"Promise me something?" I ask.
She looks at me nervously but takes my hands in hers.
"Anything." She answers.
"Promise me you'll catch me if I fall." I whisper.
She pulls me to her and smiles.
"I already have." She whispers.
I sigh relievedly and kiss her gently.
"You make it difficult not to say something right now." I whisper.
She smiles and caresses my cheek with her hand softly.
"I love you Rachel." She whispers softly.
My legs turn to jello when she says that. I wrap my arms around her neck and lean into her. She smiles at me and I get weaker. I feel my legs wanting to give out and her arms wrap around my waist tighter and hold me to her chest.
"I love you too Tyler." I whisper.
She picks me up and I kiss her. Suddenly a phone goes off and she pulls away smiling apologetically.
"I'm sorry. That's the coach." She whispers.
I smile and lean against one of the desks.
"I understand." I whisper.
She looks at her phone and her face falls. I gently place my hand on her arm and she looks up at me.
"Coach wants to see me before practice." She says quietly.
I see the pain in her eyes. All I can do is hug her.
"I'm sorry baby. Do you still want me to come with you?" I say softly.
She looks up from the floor and I see the conflict in her eyes.
"You want to?" She asks.
I smile and nod.
"Of course I do baby. It's important to you which makes it important to me." I answer softly.
She smiles and I see how much it means to her.
"Shall we go?" She whispers.
"Sure baby." I whisper.
We head towards the soccer ball field and she gets nervous. I rub her back and she smiles appreciately. The coach sees her and smiles.
"Tyler! I just wanted to tell you that you don't have to come to tryouts. You're on the team." He says.
She freezes and looks at him.
"Really?" She asks shockedly.
"Of course. I know how much soccer means to you. You're really talented." He says.
She looks up at him shocked. He then looks over at me.
"Ms. Lykins such a surprise seeing you here. What can I do for you?" He says.
I clear my throat nervously and look at Tyler out of the corner of my eye.
"I was having a conversation with Tyler here and she asked me to tag along to continue the conversation about her paper." I answer.
She bites her lip and I can tell she doesn't really like having to lie about us, but I don't want to jeopardize her position on the team.
"Is that so?"" He asks.
"Yes. She was quite impressed with my writing and asked me what my plans for my career choice was." Tyler interjects carefully.
"Well I won't keep you. Please go enjoy your conversation and have a good night. Practice on Saturday." He says.
We go back towards my classroom and she gets nervous. I shut my door and lead her to my desk chair.
"Sit down." I say softly.
She obliges and I rub her shoulders gently.
"That feels so good." She says quietly.
I smile and don't stop.
"Well we can head back to your place and get dressed for dinner if you'd like." I whisper in her ear.
I feel her totally melt in my chair and she looks at me.
"Are you sure?" She asks.
I smile and she smiles back.
"I'm sure baby. Maybe things will progress a little tonight." I whisper quietly.
I watch her bite her lower lip and I have to fight the urge to bite my own in response.
"We'll see." She whispers softly.
I hear the skepticism in her voice and can't help but get worried. I look at her concernedly.

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