It's school day. Yey! Just kidding this has got to be one of the worst days of my life. Okay, okay maybe I'm being a little dramatic. Only a little though.
"You ready for today?"
Milo asks I look at him blankly through my make up mirror.
"If looks could kill."
He mumbled going on his phone. Once I finished putting my makeup on and doing my hair I put on my clothes. Milo and I headed downstairs being met with Harry in the kitchen.
Harry asked us, still making the mix. I nodded my head as fast as I could.
"Yes please!"
Me and Milo said in sync. Once Harry had made them I scoffed them down seeing as I was late for school.
"See yous later guys."
I waved and headed for the door.
"Call is if you need to."
Harry reassured, I nodded my head.
"Love yous both."
I sprinted out of the door and ran to my motorbike starting it with a key and zooming off. School to me was just a day where you sat with loads of strangers learning suff that you will never need. Yet I still find myself there everyday. I would never want to disappoint Harry so that's also another reason I go, to show him that I'm trying. I park my bike and lock the engine. Don't trust any of these scumbags. I walk through the halls and go to my first lesson. Physical Education. It's one of my favourites because it lets me run all my anger out. However there is a slight inconvenience, I get stopped on the way. And guess who by. Nick! Shit.
He asked trying to see if it was me who he recognised. His deep American accent could be heard.
"If the flesh."
I said starting to walk away from him. He grabbed onto my arm.
"Wait, do you know where biology 3 is?"
Nick asked looking at his timetable upside down. I laughed at him and turned it the right way round.
He looked up at me and our eyes met. I could feel this connection between up. He stepped closer putting his hands on my waist. His breath fanning against my lips. He leant in and passionately kissed me- just kidding non of that actually happened I walked away as soon as I called him an idiot, he didn't try to stop me this time however when I looked back he was smirking.
"Right class, today we are going to run 5 miles. No stopping and you have to do it within 30 minutes!" The teacher shouted to the class full of people. I mentally celebrated.

The Devil in Disguise
Teen FictionAiden Styles has quite a complicated life, with being sister of Harry Styles and best friends with Milo Mannheim, she has to live life of the low down. With not being good at school and being in the shadow of her brother she feels like she has no p...