A last we made it this far.
Enjoy :)
This morning I woke up, full of excitement cause guess what. It's frickin Christmas. I ran to my brother's room and shook him awake, shouting at him to wake up and get his ass out of bed.
We ran downstairs together to see dad already drinking his coffee, waiting for us to come down. Simon and I were so excited we almost forgot about breakfast. Dad made us eat first, which he made us french toast, which we also ate really quick, we might have gotten a little sick, but trust us, it was worth it.
We both sat on the floor together, waited for dad to choose which one of us goes first, "Mmm Simon, pick one and open it." It was only fair that he got to open one first since last year I went first. He picked a rather small one, but it wasn't the smallest. It was wrapped in red and white striped paper, with a green bow on the top and on the name tag it was written: "To Simon, from Santa". He spent about 3 seconds trying to find a place to tear it open, and when he did find it, he tore it up, not being one to save the paper either. It was a crystal growing kit, he was actually really excited about it.
Now it was my turn, I grabbed one that was wrapped in little reindeers and Santas, with a red and white bow on the top, it was kinda thin, like the shape of a clothes box, but it was about as long as a ruler, maybe with a few extra inches on it. I opened it, I was actually really surprised, speechless even, it was the "2018 Holiday Barbie"..I studied her beautiful doll face and gorgeous blonde hair, I even admired her red dress with the tool frilling, I also noticed her "pearl" bracelet. "Thanks, dad." I said and hugged him.
The rest of the continued with more opening of presents, I loved the cactus mug and the little cup for my bassoon reed that Simon got me. Simon absolutely loved the "Red Dead Redemption 2" game that dad and I both got for him, I swear he almost started crying when he opened it. Dad loved the Star Wars socks from Simon and the Star Wars blanket that I got him.
Christmas was really good this year. I had lots of fun, I was proud of the things I got for my friends and for Dad and Simon. I don't even have any complaints about anything. My most favorite thing I got was the Barbie, it even made me dig out the rest of my collection and put them up on the shelves around my room.
How was your Christmas? and If you don't celebrate Christmas, How was your holiday season?
25 days of Christmas writing prompts
General FictionIt's exactly as the title sounds. I'm just doing this for fun, but I will be focusing on these characters and this family. Some rules I've kinda made for myself is that I have to already include the prompt word or a word similar to it at least once...