Just another bet chapter one: new girl

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Hi. this is an imagining series so Y/N means your name, Y/L/N means your last name, and Y/F/N means your full name. This story is a romance turn wrong. I am the autor A/N means author note. Sometimes I will pop in and explain things that the characters don't. Let's dive in!!!!

Y/N facts

Age: 16

siblings : one brother

Brother name: Jin

Jin age: 26

Parents: lives with Jin, parents left at young age

School: Elmer High

You were new this year. New high school new beginning. You didn't talk a lot to anyone. In Fact you were very distant to everyone. You barely talk to your brother anymore. He works all the time to support the two of you. You got kicked out of your last house because you couldn't afford it.

You walk down stairs. Hoping not to see Jin, you get halfway down when you hear him call for you. You come down to get a happy greeting from him

Jin- I got promoted I make a lot more money now!!

Y/N- That's cool

Jin- Yes it is we're going to be alright

He hugs you and you hug back. He's so sweet and nice to you he should be on his own not raising you.

Y/N- I'm sorry you're stuck here and can't be normal and go party with all your friends.

Jin- Don't say that I get out all the time. Living with you is great, I wouldn't have it any other way.

He kisses your head and you grab a glass of water and walk back to your room. Tomorrow you start a new day at school and it was all going to be okay. Just stay quiet and stay alone. Which isn't very challenging.

You wake up the next morning and get dressed into your school uniform. It's very plain, just the way you liked it. You put on your shoes and walk out the door.

The school isn't that far away and a calm walk in the morning would be nice to clear out your head. You were walking when a guy came up behind you in a car.

???: You wanna ride to school it's a little farther than you think?

Y/N: umm... n-no i-i'm fin-fine

???: You're shy aren't you?

Y/N: ( no answer )

???: It's ok i'll see you at school then.

The guy drove off. How did he know you were from his school? Or that you were shy? Is it that noticeable? You look down at the skirt hem you were playing with. That's how. The school uniform. You mentally facepalmed, muttering under your breath about how oblivious shy you are.

About half a mile later you end up in front of your school with 10 mins before the first bell. It was a little farther than you though. You walk to the administration office to get your class list and locker number.

Office lady: Hi sweety!

Y/N: Can I have my class list?

Office lady: What's your name sweetheart?

Y/N: Y/F/N

Office lady: Here you go!

You run off to your locker. Half way there a girl stops in front of you with two more girls behind her.

Girl: Well well well. Fresh meat to destroy. I'm Irene and I run this school stay out of my way or else.

Girl behind Irene: slap her let her know what comes if she doesn't stay out of your way.

Irene: that's not a bad idea Jennie

Girl across from Jennie : Yeah! Get her Irene!

Irene: Shut up rose I get the point.

She slapped you hard across your cheek. Your hand goes up and covers your face. Tears are streaming down like a waterfall as you look around for the quickest escape from there. Irene takes her hand up to slap you again but someone grabs her wrist before she moved.

???: Leave her be Irene. She has done nothing to you. ( looks lovingly into her eyes

Irene: stay out of this you cheating dirtbag Jungkook.

You look up at the boy and see it's the same boy as you met earlier, the one who offered you a ride. Why was he so close to her. Is he her ex. That is what she said cheating dirt bag.

Jungkook: come on let's go.

He turns to you and grabs your hand while running off. He takes you into a classroom. He holds your face in one hand.

Jungkook: How hard did she hit you?

Y/N: ( no response)

Jungkook: you can talk to me. I'm a good guy you don't have to be afraid.

Y/N: ( hesitantly) h-hard.

Jungkook: I'm sorry I wasn't there earlier.

Why is he being so nice and caring. He doesn't even know me. Plus he seems to like irene The first period bell rings and you walk to class with him. You have the same classes with him, well except for music.

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