Just another bet Part ten: 2 week stay

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Jackson said hi and walked you into the building. You have only ever heard horrible things about places like this. They keep you caged up like wild animals. They keep you as long as they want even though your told 2 weeks if they find something really wrong with you they will keep you here for along as they want.

As we were walking down the white walls they were rooms with kids in the same close, same shoes, same hair in all the rooms. Not by gender, everyone was together. Male,female, young kids to older one. No one looked over 18 years old in any of the rooms. They all seemed depressed or really happy, well not so much happy but they looked hopeful for once. Like the world wasn't looking down on them. Jackson started to talk about what they do here

Jackson: so, the object here is to help you. We don't do any long psychiatrist visits. We will ask a few questions everyday until we see fit that you can go home. They is group therapy and other therapies we do here to help you. First i will have to take some information from you.

He starts to talk and ramble off questions. You just look ahead. You're not answering because it makes no use. When you get out of here you are running away trying to live alone and if you fail at that then living earth. Jungkook used you and jin thinks you are a hassle to him. No ones left, be on your own or die that's what you have to choose from.

Jackson: i know you feel hopeless but here and if you can talk to me i can help you threw this. Just answer a few questions

Y/N: okay

Jackson: how old are you

Y/N: 16

Jackson: who do you live with

Y/N: older brother

Jackson: how long have you self harm dead

Y/N: as long as i can remember

Jackson: do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend to use support on

A tear streams down your face. Rember Y/N he used you. He never cared about you and never will.if this it ture them why do you still love him. You turn away not letting jackson see your face

Jackson: you want to talk about it

Y/N: not with you

Jackson: i'm not here to judge you. Just to get you threw this

Y/N: i can't believe i'm telling you this. His name was jungkook. Jeon jungkook. He used me to get is ex back. He even stole my first kiss. Then he dumped me for her. I tried to die, he showed up a freaking helped me. Then told he really doesn't want her and wants me and that he's sorry and really does care.

Jackson: it looks to me that you need to talk things out. There's visiting hours for 3 hours every other day. He should come and talk things out

Y/N: no way i cant trust him.

Jackson: if it were me i would talk things out. Let him explanie. People make mistakes. That's one reason your here. I'll show you to your room. You room mate is jay. She's nice, i'll have her walk you around before dinner. Oh and one family member calls you each night.

Y/N: what if i don't want to except

Jackson: trust me talking it better then fighting

As i were thinking about it maybe he was right. I know jin will come to see you tomorrow, so i mine as well answer his call. As i was processing everything a girl spoke up

Jay: jack i see we have a fire kracker here don't we

Jackson: well you can take that up with her. Lead her through the room and tell her what she needs to know.

Jay: yes sir

Jackson: i mean it, be appropriate

Jay: when am i ever not

Jackson glares at her before leaving me standing outside of my so called room. Jay staring at trying to see where to start

Jay: come on get settled then we'll talk

I shrug her off and step into the room. Not to bad a bunk bed two dressers and two study areas. A book self was on one side of the wall holding a few books. I look over at her and ask a few questions

Y/N: why do we have dressers if we all wear the same close.

Jay: on the weekends we were what we want

Y/N: do we have school

Jay: 4 hours on weekdays. Never any homework tho. Okay so don't touch my stuff without asking. I have hidden blades if you need them and 10 min shower if you want to go before me. Other then that just chill until you get out

Y/N: how do you have blades

Jay: i've been in here so much i know how to sneak them in. i have one in almost every room here hidden. Just don't do your arms they check the arms. Upper thigh would be a lot more hidden. Okay dinners in about 15 i put your close in the dresser. Your guardian will bring back free close later during visit

Y/N: thx

After i got down with the weird conversation with jay, i went to bathroom. And of course out of all the days in the world i get my period today. I yell for jay. She just barged right in on me.

Jay: what

Y/N: i need help

Jay: with what. Come on i don't have time for this

Y/N: ( looks down embarrass) i started my period

Jay: hahah okay girly i'll call jackson

Y/N: what don't tell him

Jay: i have too i'm out he has to get them for me

Y/N: seriously

Jay: yes hold on

Jay leaves me here in panic mode covered in blood. And of course she has to get some. From our caretaker. Who's a guy. A few minutes later i hear jay walk into the room.

Jay: i talked to him he said that he will stock up our room. You should get a shower, it's probably a mess in there. I'll bring you new underwear. There's a bin under the sink for you, it has shower stuff and a face wash and deodorant. If you need anything just yell

Y/N: thank you for being so nice.

Jay: yup kid, just clean up then we'll go to dinner.

I look under the sink and find my bine. I get in the shower and let the hot water run over my body and hair. I need to talk to jin. I know he didn't mean it, but it still hurt. What am i going to do about jungkook. Well my guess is jin will call tonight, than him and jungkook will visit me tomorrow. Jackson may be right talking things out can help........i'll just have to wait and see.

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