Just another bet Part five: meet the guardians

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You look over and see jin drop the bags he was bringing in from the store. You look at him with a "what" expression on your face until you realized. There's a boy he's never met holding his little sister who doesn't talk to anyone in his kitchen. You quickly escape the hug and jin just looks at you with a wide eyed look. Then someone spoke out but you and jin are just staring at each other.

Jungkook: umm someone care to explain what's going on

Y/N: uhu yha. Jungkook this is my brother jin.

Jin: who are you? Why are in my house? Why are you holding my sister.

Jungkook: well i'm jeon jungkook. i'm here because Y/N was hurt and i came to treat her and because she passed out from low sugar so i needed to make sure she ate. Last i was holding her because we were talking about-

Y/N: a T.V show and i got a little emotional. He was just going to leave. Right?

Jungkook: o-okay. Nice to meet you jin i'll see you later( slipped something in your hoodie pocket and walks out of house )

Jungkook P.O.V

I leave the house and wonder why she didn't want jin to know about her cuts there's no way he doesn't know. I mean some were newer. Maybe he thinks she stopped. I gave her my number i hope she really text me and we can talk.


Once jungkook walks out i look at jin.

Y/N:its not what it looks like

Jin: i know that. I'm surprised to see you hugging anyone. He your boyfriend?

Y/N: no why would he be we just meet he doesn't like me like that

Jin: how do you feel about him

Y/N: i don't know. He cool and i can easily talk around him about anything.

Jin: i think you just found your crush

Y/N:no way. Even if i did feel that way and i dont i cant bring him in to my jacked up life. I don't want him to think i'm some nut job.

Jin: your not you just have to really explain things to him that's all

Y/N: well that might happen we talked a little.

Jin: i like him. Have him come over for dinner tomorrow i'll make something you like. Oh and did you eat yet.

Y/N: yes jungkook made me leftovers

Jin: okay well go wash up for bed and head to sleep it's late

I head up stairs and get undressed ready to go in the shower when a crumpled up piece of paper falls out of my jacket pocket. I open it and read off an phone number. I already to know whos and whisper to myself


I walk back to my bed after my shower and stair and the screen of my contact list hovering my finger over the add new contact button deciding whether or not to add jungkook and text him. I text him.


Jungkook: i'm glad you decides to text me

Y/N:can we talk

Jungkook: of course

Y/N: you can't talk about my cuts with jin around

Jungkook: why you live with him he must know

Y/N: he knows about the old ones. I just don't want to worry him when i'm fine

Jungkook: your not fine but i won't tell him until your ready to

Y/N: thank you oh and umm i have to tell you something

Jungkook: shot

Y/N: do you have plans for saturday night

Jungkook: aww no i would love to go out with you how about i come get you tomorrow night at 7 take you somewhere fun ( thinking: this is my chance i really have her hooked)

Y/N: no, actually jin wants you to come to dinner tomorrow night we don't have school so i just was wondering if you had planes on a weekend day. If your free you came come here at 6

Jungkook: oh, umm yha see you at 6

You shutdown your phone. What just happened. Did he think i was asking him out? Dear god tomorrow will be so weird. Wait so he likes me. He wanted to take me out so he likes me. Omg ( grapes pillow and screams into it )

Is this the greatest or worst thing to ever happen to me. Honestly this is to much i need to get to sleep then go help jin make dinner.

You wake up the next morning and get dressed then walk down stairs. You see jin standing there making breakfast you yell

Y/N: good morning oppa!!

Jin: what's got you in a good mood

Y/N: nothing let's eat then go to the store to get things for later. I want to help you cook

Jin: okay sweetie. Are you going to eat with me today


You both sit down and eat happily. Nothing has ever tasted this good in your mouth before. After that you make your way to the car and you spill the whole conversation about jungkook to him.

Jin: wow. Sis i think he likes you maybe you should take him off on his offer sometime

Y/N: yha but his ex thingy is really nuts and she might kill me you know

Jin: i'm sure she won't. Plus jungkook will be there to protect you

Y/N: i don't know jin i'll have to think about it

Jin: were here

You walk into the supermarket and speak of the devil Irene is with her family shopping

Y/N: jin that's her. The crazy ex

Jin: the one who dumped water and slapped you


Jin: i'll be back

You nod and jin goes over to irene's parents as she walks off to look at something in the corner. Jin seams very serious. A few minutes later he comes back with a pleasant smirk on his face. You look over and see irene's parents call for her to come over and they start yelling at her with rage.

Jin: don't worry sis she won't bother you anymore.

Y/N: okay then

You walk through the storm get what you need and leave you go home and help jin cook you get somewhat dressed up with a nice dress and leggings with black boots then around 6 you here and knoke on the door and yell

Y/N: coming!!

You open the door to see...

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