Just another bet Part eight: true reasons

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I look at jungkook. This isn't happening. He likes me right he has too. He starts to walk over ot Irene. I can't take this so for the first time in my life i speak up.

Y/N: what the heck is going on here

Jennie: hello troll didn't we tell you stay away from jungkook. He's back with the person he belongs with. You served your purpose. Now go crawl back under the covers and mess up that arm again. That will make you feel better wont it?

You were holding back everything in yourself no to become a crying mess. This wasn't real. It can't be. He cares about me. He dose and i know he dose. I know he has to still care.


Jungkook: i'm sorry but i used you to get closer to Irene i lov-

Y/N: i don't want to hear it

I run home. The mall was a good 12 miles from home. My world was crashing i didn't care that it was raining or that my dress was completely soaked wet. Nor did i care that i had to take off my shoes to run this fast away from all of that. I finally stop realizing i don't know where i am. I really don't have another choice so i call jin.

Y/N: j-ji-jin

Jin: Y/N what wrong you sound like your crying

Y/N: c-come ge-get m-e pl-plesas

Jin: of course where are you

Y/N: next t-o Pats r-esr-aunt

Jin: i'll meet you there then we can talk

You hang up the phone. You don't want anyone to see you like this. You were alway broken but you never showed that to anyone until jungkook came along. I should have known this wouldn't have ended well from the start. I should have never trusted him. As i'm lost in my thoughts a car comes out into the opening from the little restaurant. You hope inside and jin looks at you worried. You don't talk. Don't listen to him. You put in your ear phones and let them take you away. The music could only do so much. Every bad thought was still wandering around in you head.

Nothing changed. You were still as messed up as before he came into your life. You have no reason left to be here. The thought of him loving you keep you around until you got a grasp on your realtily. That nothing can ever work out for you. That too good to be true goes for everything in your life. Staying here made no sense anymore.

You really liked jungkook. You even loved jungkook. He was the one person who really mad you feel something. Made you feel happy and useful. Not just a waste of space. Now that's gone. You pull into the driveway ignore jin and walk straight to your room. Being here. Being alive doesn't feel worth it anymore. You look down at yourself. You turn around and grab your dresser drawer and pull in out.

You reach in and pull out the only thing that can make you feel better. Your razor blade. Things were different this time. This time you didn't want to cut you wanted to end it. Digging the blade deep into the heart of your wrist. Again again again. You slowly lose control of your body. Until nothing's left to feel everything is at peace.

Jungkook P.O.V

Everything turned out the way it should have, then why do i feel so bad about what happened to her. I couldn't get her sad teary eyes out of my head. After she ran out i left with Irene.

Irene:can you believe that low life thinking you really liked her, i bet she thought you loved her. What a loser. She must really not have a li-

Jungkook: okay it's over just leave it alone ( a little angry)

Irene: what you know it's true. She acts so sad about everything. Like her life is so bad, she doesn't even know how hard a real life is. That girl need a reality check if she thinks a few sad looks can get her a hot boyfriend, she really is-

At this point he was so angry his hand were shaking on the steering wheel. Jungkook knew now. He knew how much he really does care and love her. Everything irene was saying just made him even more mad about everything. He did the one thing he never thought he could do to a girl that was hot. And rejected irene

Jungkook: shut the hell up, you know nothing and i can't believe i didn't realizes that she's the one i love not you. You a crappy person that no one wants to be with, not even me.

Irene : what do you mean

Jungkook: ( pulls over his car) get out. Never talk to me again. Don't look at me. And i swear to god don't touch her or else your going to have to deal with me.

Irene gets out of the csr utterly shocked at how i talked to her. I turn the car around and drive over to Y/N house. I get there and was welcome by a very mad jin

Jin: what did you do

Jungkook: i can explain. I messed up and i know i did. But i really need to talk to Y/N

Jin: she doesn't want to see you ( goes to shut door)

Jungkook: ( gets on his knees begging to be let into the house to see the one he really loves)

Jin: aish this boy. Come in she in her room i haven't heard anything from her since we got home.

I run up to her room. I knock on her door and no one answers. I slowly open the door. She not there so i walk into the restroom. I see the one thing i really didn't expect. I see her lying there life less covered in blood. She was so white it match the white floor. That is the floor not covered in blood. The only words i can unter out of my mouth in that moment.



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