Just another bet Part nine: wake up

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Darkness. Darkness forever. If it wasn't for jungkook you would have darkness forever. After jin called the ambulance and tock you to the hospital. Everything pulled up and you lost it. You are a fighter and will get thru this.

Jungkook P.O.V

Jin went in the ambulance with Y/N. i drove i'm my car. I went got there jim was already in the waiting room. I go sit down next to him.

Jin: jungkook... what happened

Jungkook: i'm so sorry i did this to her i shouldn't have done that

Jin: explain to me what you did before we blame anyone

Jungkook: ( tells him the whole story but ends with the greatest part)but i realized i like her. I really do. Alot. jin, this might be more than just liking her at this point. I want to talk to her and fix this mess i made i really do like her. I need you to trust me

Jin: i can see you mean it. You really do. I'll leave this up to her. But if you ever pull anything like this again don't come to my house with flowers, come with a body bag

It was quiet after that, until the doctor came out. Jin looked at him unable to read the look on his face.

Doctor: she is okay but she has to go to a mental place for 2 weeks

Jin: you can't make her do that

Doctor: after the 2nd visite i can.

Jungkook: this isn't fair

Doctor: it's best, we almost lost her this time. I would hate to see her again and not have this kind of a outcome.now she is awake and you can go and see her.

Now what. She's going away for 2 weeks i have to explain myself before she leaves. I have to tell her that i love her. Jin spoke out threw the silence.

Jin: go see her first. You need to talk to her more than i do

Jungkook: thank you


I didn't succeed. I'm still here lying in a hospital bed. Why can't they let let me go already the man of my dreams is gone. I have nothing left to live for i sh-. Jungkook entered the room looking at me blankly, but his eyes were covered with sadness.

Jungkook: can you talk to me for a little while. I promise i'll explain everything, but you have to sit and listen to me

Y/N: can you leave me alone

Jungkook: no, not until i tell you what happend

Y/N: they blurt it out already

Jungkook: i messed up i'm sorry for putting you threw all this but i know you. I know how to help you. And i'm not just saying this to make you feel better.Y/N i actually like you. For real no if ands or buts

Y/N: i don't care jungkook. I don't want to be here anymore. You can't change what you did. I trusted you and wanted to be with you. You left me in the dust. How can i love someone i can never trust

Jungkook: i know it's hard but i want you to know how much i love you when you go to the hospital

Y/N: what are you talking about

Jungkook: i think jin should be the one to tell you. When you get back i'll be waiting. I'm not going to let you go. I love you Y/N and that will never change.

Jungkook leaves in the empty room alone,scared,worried. Mental Hospital, jin would never let you go to a place like that. Speak of the devil jin walks into your room.

Jin:Y/N their taking you to a mental hospital for 2 weeks

Y/N: no. i'm not going i'm fine


Jin yelling was a very strange, he never tells. But what he said have had you in tears by now. Did he really mean that. Of course he did it was true. Nothing would ever be great for you. You looking out the small window avoid the stare set on you from jin after he finished his rant.

Jin: i'm sorry i didn't mean it. I was just mad because you di-

Y/N: go away, after i get out of the hospital i'm living somewhere else, don't bother me anymore. First jungkook then you if you wanted me to live you shouldn't give me reason to die

Jin: Y/N i-

Y/N: get out jin, i don't need you or jungkook.

Jin: you can't do thi-

Jin was interrupted by the doctor coming in. they kindly came up to jin

Doc: time to go Y/N

Y/N: okay

I can't do this. Now that i know what he truly feels i can't go back to him or his house. I don't have money but once i get out i'm not coming home, even if that does mean i'm on the streets then so be it. Worst case i end up with jungkook. I know when jin tells him, he will never stop looking for me. I step in the car driving to the hospital. I turn around to see jin standing there with jungkook. This is it, i'm done. I will get thru this and make it out of this. I want to get better. I want to prove them all wrong.

15 mins later we pull into the hospital

Driver: someone will come and get you in a moment

I stay silent until i see a large guy walk out holding a clipboard full of papers.

Driver: your lucky. Jacksons your caretaker while your here.

He come and opens the door of the car. A sweet smile is what you're welcomed with for the worst 2 weeks of your life

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