Just another bet Part seven: first date

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Jungkook P.O.V

Well i got her hooked that's for sure. Irene always go shopping on sundays at the mall. She'll see us get upset and then ask for me back. It will all workout. What about Y/N though. She'll be fine i shouldn't have to worry about her i'm only using her anyway. But that kiss. I have never had a kiss like that. it felt so....real. I lay down on my bed thinking about that kiss and slowly drift off.


I woke up the next day thinking about the kiss. It felt real. I know it was real. I look down at my phone looking for jungkook's number. I start to text him.

Y/N: good morning

Jungkook: good morning i'll be over to get you in about an hour

Y/N: okay. It this formal thing

Jungkook: no dress how ever you want

Y/N:okay i'll see you there

Jungkook P.O.V

I start to get ready. When i'm done i text jennie. She shops with irene. I can see if there going to the mall today

Jungkook: hay, are you going to the mall

Jennie: yes, why

Jungkook: i need to get Irene back. I'm going out with a girl make sure she's outside the movie theater and sees us

Jennie: okay and what will that do

Jungkook: shell getjelouse and ask for me back and i will say yes

Jennie: ok whatever what about the girl tho

Jungkook: idk i'll deal with that later

Jennie: okay see you soon

I was on my way over to Y/N's house. I pull in the driveway and walk up to the door and knock on it. I look and see jin open the door and ask me to come in

Jin: come in Y/N's getting ready. This is her first date she want to look perfect

Jungkook: really no one has ever asked her out

Jin: no plenty of people have before we moved she just never liked them or was never in the spot for a good relationship. So she always said no.

Jungkook: oh

Jin: i'm so happy that you came along i've never seen he so happy in all the time she's been here

Jungkook: oh, i'll make sure she has a great time.


I was walking down stairs when i heard the boys talking. I didn't hear much just some muffling sounds. I look down at my flower dress. I was short sleeve witch bothered me a little because i wasn't sure if my cuts were that noticeable. They were just little white marks so i didn't think much of them. I interrupt there talking

Y/N: i'm ready

Jungkook: then let's go

We say are good byes and leave to go to the movies. He seemed kinda worried the whole time we were in the car. I was getting uncomfortable. He's never shy about anything. Another reason i can't believe this is happening. I really like him. The car ride was silent until jungkook spoke up.

Jungkook: you look great( looks up and down you)

Y/N: thank you

Jungkook P.O.V

I was looking at her and commented on her dress then i took a closer look at her. I know she hurts herself but her scars are something else. You can tell which ones were deep and which ones were lighter. But all of them killed me inside to see. I need to stay focused on getting irene back today.

Y/N: P.O.V

I was sitting here looking at him drive down the road. Since that kiss i've realized something. I have feelings for him. Really strong feelings. I can talk to him. Eat with him. I want tobe with him. He makes me feel whole. With him in my life i want to stay here. To be in his life.

We get to the mall and we walk around a little and then jungkook speaks up.

Jungkook: the movie starts in a half hour i'm going to go to the restroom.

Y/N: ok

Jungkook P.O.V

I run to the restroom to text jennie and make sure there coming.

Jungkook: are you here

Jennie: were in the mall walking to the movies

Jungkook: okay i have her

Jennie: okay everything is set you will be back with her in no time

I walk back to see Y/N standing looking around i walk around with a bag in her hands. I crously walk over to her with a plan set.

Y/N: P.O.V

I was waiting for jungkook to come out of the rest room when i see we have about 20 mins to get to the movies so i walk over to the neer bt store and pick up a present for jungkook. It was a nice watch. I saw it when i was shopping with jin when we first moved into town. It looked good for jin but this will look great on him. Jungkook walks over to me and i hold out the present with a grin on my face

Y/N: for you

Jungkook: oh you didn't have to get me anything.

Y/N: well you taking me on this nice date i wanted to get you something

Jungkook: thank you Y/N

We walkover to the movies and we were in line to get popcorn when jungkook looks over and smiles at a familiar face.

Irene: why are we here jennie

Jennie: talk to jungkook

Irene: why i cant see him

Jennie: why

Irene: because i want him back

Jennie: then ask

Am i hearing this right irene wants jungkook back. I look over at jungkook who looks me back in the eyes with a sorry look in them. What's going on?


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