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Have you ever loved someone so much, only to have them pay little to no attention to you? Maybe they're busy with work, maybe they're busy with school, or perhaps their mind is fixed on someone else and you just don't matter to them anymore.

Do you try your best to be the person their mind is fixed on, or do you simply move on and forget about it all? I can't say anything for my readers since I don't know their situations, but in my case I think I'm going to move on and meet someone new. But I'm getting ahead of myself again, a few days ago Heather threw a Christmas party and I was invited. Me being me of course I went because Juliet was going to be there and I was looking for any excuse to be close to her. But at the last second before he arrived Gabriel brought his friend Aaron and I forgot he was invited. Now normally I'd be fine with it, except for the fact that when I arrived at the party Juliet barely even looked at me, let alone spoke to me. But what made it hurt more was she spent majority of the party sitting on Aaron's lap, and then Heather and Rachel both said they look cute together, but they seemed to have forgotten that I was sitting right there and heard everything. But before I went to bed since I stayed there, I confessed every last feeling I had for Juliet and how I felt about that night, and since then I've heard nothing back from her, and she seems to be acting like nothing happened.

So I think the best choice for me is to simply move on and forget it all, after the New Year is almost here and what's a better motivation than that "new year, new me" bullshit.

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