The Road To Love: Part IV

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After the disaster that was dating Melissa I had plenty of help moving on but there were two people who helped me forget about her the most, Gabriel and Juliet.

Gabriel like the best friend he is just kept me smiling and away from crippling depression. Juliet was the next person I had a relationship with and I was pissed off at myself for not realizing sooner that I should've been with her all along. She kept a smile on my face, didn't expect much from me, never wanted to constantly be at my side, just wanted to be with me. There were ups and downs but when aren't there? Our first breakup was entirely my fault and I regret it so badly.

Eventually we did make up and get back together but unfortunate circumstances got us to break up such as someone telling Juliet that my feelings for Melissa were coming back. I wish things didn't go the way they did, I don't really feel happy unless I'm spending time with people like Juliet, Gabriel, and Ashley. Gabriel and Ashley would make me smile and have sing alongs while driving in Gabriel's car. Mike and William kept me company whether we'd be having nerdy debates or playing video games, and Juliet just made me smile and I just loved it when we cuddled and held each other in our arms. Every time someone told me to move on, it hurt a bit inside because I'm not too fond of metting new people, this may seem like a bad quality to have but if I have a choice between meeting someone new or getting back with an ex, odds are I'm going to pick being with an ex, because there's already a connection established, this may be just me but in my own opinion it's such a pain in the ass meeting new people. (*Gasp* an opinion! Oh the horror.)

Majority of my exes are still friends with me and we kept the best parts of the connection we shared. (Just subtract the making out and fun shit like that.) But the point I'm trying to make is why bother with someone new when you already have something great with someone who you spent countless times building a bond with. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." right? (Yeah I'm probably alone on that one...whatever.)

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