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"Kyanna got put out by her parents and doesn't have anywhere to stay." The curly haired girl exclaimed as she pushed me closer to Tyrone. "What does that have to do with me?" He questioned "we thought tha-" "I wanna hear from kyanna" he interrupted while walking closer to me. We were now face to face and trust me when I say that he looks even better up close.

"Speak" he demanded "um, look I really need a place to sleep for a little while until I get on my feet." I murmured "Anyone who stays in this house works for me, doing whatever I tell them to do. Can you handle that?" "Well what kinda work will I be doing?" "Hitting licks, slangin, counting money, whippin up dope. You know, normal gang activities." He chuckled. "What do you mean by gang?" "She's from the suburbs where all the Rich people stay at. She doesn't know nothing about the hood so you goin have to explain it to her." Spat the rude girl with the finger waves.

"Babygirl, your standing in Blood territory. I'm the head huncho and now your one of my bitches."
I didn't know what to say, I had never been someone's bitch before. This was all too crazy for me, I need to get outta here right now. "On second thought I think I'm gonna go." I murmured while collecting my things. "Oh, so you wanna leave. Well go ahead, the doors right there." "Thanks, it was nice meeting you guys." I spoke shocked at how easy that was. Then I heard multiple guns cock and I froze in my path. I slowly turned around to see all three of them pointing pistols at me. "What are y'all doing?" I asked. "You know too much we can't just let you leave. The moment you set foot off this property, it's lights out for you." He said with a smirk on his face.

FUCK, I should've known they weren't just gonna let me go. "Now you can either turn around and get killed or you can come over here with daddy." I turned back around looking at the outside world, wondering how tf I got into this situation. I should have followed my instincts and ran as soon as that car pulled up in front of me. But I didn't and now I gotta deal with the consequences.

So I picked up my suitcase and took one last look before walking over to Tyrone. " Ok fine I'll stay." I spoke as I stared him down. "That's what I thought." He spat as they all put there guns down and closed the garage door.

"Now, my sisters will show you to your room and in the morning be ready to work." "Hurry up thickums, we ain't got all day." Said the curly haired girl. She led me threw a side door with the mean girl following us close behind. We walked past a kitchen and what seemed like a meeting room. Then we entered a hallway that had 20 doors. We walked to the 1st door on the right and she unlocked it with a key, revealing a completely white room. Which was shocking seeing as the color red was very prominent in this warehouse.

"This is where you'll be staying. You'll wake up at 7:00 every morning and you'll meet in the meeting room at 8:00 a.m. sharp. You can get rid of that suitcase because all the clothes you'll need will be provided to you. Got it?" She spoke as if she had said it many times before. I nodded my head showing that I understood the rules. "Good, I'll see you in the morning new bitch." She chuckled as she turned to leave. "Wait, you never told me your name."  "You never asked. My name is Emaza but I go by E. And she's Saiyr." She stated pointing at her sister who was staring intensely at my chest. "Well I'm tired so I'm finna go to sleep. Saiyr you comin?" "Yeah I'll be there in a minute." She shouted before inching closer to me. Every time she took a step closer to me I would take a step back. Eventually I hit the wall and I began to panic. She leaned over to me and whispered in my ear. " I can't wait until I get you alone. Rest up cause your gonna need all your strength." And with that she was gone.

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