Chapter 15

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Ok so first off, hi how ya doing? Good? That's great, I hope you keep that up! Not so great? I'm sorry, I relate, and I hope you do better. Second off, this chapter is going to be in 3rd person on Olympus. I know, I know. "Jelanii do we really have to read about those backstabbing traitors who were so mean and cruel to Percy? Not to mention they fricken TORTURED him". Well yes, you do have to read about them. Please enjoy.

3rd person on Olympus

*Previously in chapter 14*

Annabeth exploded with rage, "Why is he staring at her like that?! She looks insane! She has turnips hanging from her ears for gods sake"! Nico rolled his eyes, "I think the better question is why did he introduce himself as Perseus instead of Percy"?


Everyone in the throne room thought about Nico's question. They thought Percy didn't change. They thought that he was still his full-name-hating, goofy, ADHD, sea-weed brained Percy, but clearly they were wrong and they wanted to know why he changed.

Of course they know they were apart of the reason, but they all want to know what caused their betrayal to him to make him change so drastically (well, drastically in their minds). Everyone sat in the room, trying to answer the question. After a while Athena scoffed, "The answer is quite obvious. Really, I'm surprised that you couldn't figure it out, daughter". Athena sent a disapproving glance at her Annabeth while Poseidon sneered at her, "Well don't just sit there and look at your daughter. Open your mouth and tell me what's wrong with my son".

Aretmis looked angry at his tone and words towards a maiden but wisely kept her mouth shut when she noticed the look on his face. She knew that while Zeus was the king, Poseidon was by far the strongest god (which is one reason why Percy is such a powerful demigod).

Athena glared hardly at Poseidon before opening her mouth to speak, "He doesn't want to be reminded of us. All his friends called him Percy. And those friends betrayed him, therefore he doesn't want to be reminded of them. I believe that he is trying to forget this world, though it will be hard considering all those scars. He is trying to limit the amount of memories of his past".

Her response made sense, although Annabeth was slightly miffed that she didn't think of that. Leo, for once, was quiet and he looked at the ground in thought. Soon Leo looked at Athena and opened his mouth, "What about him sitting staring at a wall? He's like the most ADHD person I know". Athena stared at him before rolling her eyes for asking what she considered an easy question, "I've already explained this. He was disowned. That means he lost his scent, so monsters can't track him. His ADHD was there so he could react quickly in battle but because he is no longer a demigod he has no need for that skill. He lost his dyslexia as he has no need for reading ancient Greek, though the skill will remain as will his battle reflexes. And lastly he lost all his connection to the sea, he can no longer control water and will not feel a pull towards the sea".

Poseidon was on the verge of tears as he heard what he did to his son, "Is there anyway for me to make him my son again"? Athena pursed her lips and nodded her head slowly, "There is. However, all I know is that Percy must consent to being your son again. I'll have to do more research".

Poseidon perked at the thought that Percy could be his son again, but he was saddened again at the idea that Percy may not want to be his son again.

Thalia was standing in silence but finally spoke up, "If there was anyone he would want to talk to, could we send them to him"? Athena stared at Thalia as she thought the question over, "Someone who hasn't done anything wrong but would be able to calm him down enough to where he would be able to talk to us"?

Annabeth looked between Thalia and her mother, not liking the proud look on her mother's face when Thalia thought if the question. She was the daughter of Athena, therefore she should have the smart questions that Athena is proud of. Nico noticed Annabeths glare towards Thalia and rolled his eyes before sighing, "Who would he want to talk to? The only one who didn't betray him and would be able to calm him down was his mother".

Poseidon's eyes watered at the thought of Sally before they widened and he broke into a wide grin when he finally had a plan, "Percy is a family man. We all know he was a big brother to a little girl, but what we're forgetting is he already was a brother".

Everyone caught on but Annabeth who chose to wallow in her jealousy rather than listen, "Who are we talking about"?

Athena rolled her eyes and glared at Annabeth, "And you call yourself my daughter? We're talking about Tyson, Percy's brother. He hasn't done anything to him and we all know how protective Percy is of Tyson". Annabeth stared dumbly at her mother, feeling ashamed that she couldn't think of the answer. Desperately wanted to prove herself Annabeth stepped forward, "What if we have Tyson contact whoever Percy is closest to where he's at. The person could be able to get Tyson to visit Percy".

Athena let a very small smile show, "Finally, my brain is showing. That is a good idea, daughter. We should have Tyson contact that red-headed girl that Percy is always talking to." Poseidon let out a beaming smile at the thought of finally having a plan to be able to see Percy again, "What are we waiting for, I'll get Tyson".

Poseidon started to flash out before he was stopped by Zeus, "Brother, first we need to talk to Hecate. She will be able to tell us how to communicate with this girl, as we can't very well Iris Message her." Poseidon sadly nodded his head, "You're right, brother", he turned to Athena, "How long do you think it will take before this girl will invite Tyson"?

Athena frowned slightly, "It depends on how she reacts. So far from what I have seen, she is stubborn. So, if she believes that Tyson is telling the truth, she will not rest until Percy sees him. However, if she doesn't believe him, she could never let Tyson see him".

Everyone frowned. The fate of ever being able to see Percy again rests on the decision of a girl they don't even know.

Sorry i haven't updated recently. I know i told someone that i was going to update in "a couple days" but right after i said that I got a cold (which is still happening) and got a job. So now, on top of the mountains of homework i have to do everyday, the volunteer work i do once a week, and the fact that i stay after school 2 days a week for hours to help design the set for the play, I have to work on weekends. So basically I have no time. But i will update as much as I possibly can. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Fun fact, I'm doing homework and watching YouTube as I write this, I'm a great multitasker right?

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