Chapter 30

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3rd POV

The Goddess pursed her lips. "What help could I be?"

Tyson slowly rised from his bow. "You have the ability to help me hide my eye."

"Just why do you need to hide your eye?"

"I'll be traveling to see some people, mortals actually."

Her lip curled into a smirk. "And you need my help because these mortals might be clear-sighted?"

Tyson nodded as she continued. "These people you're visiting don't happen to be the group Perseus is staying with, correct?"

Slowly he nodded, becoming confused when she started to laugh. Her laughter, though sounding slightly ominous, seemed strange coming from such a serious Goddess. "Well then I can understand your worries. Those people aren't mortals."

"Are they Demigods?"

The Goddess shook her head and Tyson furrowed his brow. "What else could they be?"

Lady Hecate slowly walked around the cabin, looking at the decoration and silently judging it - there's too much blue for her taste. "The world Perseus is in currently is my pet world. It's a world full of magic and, sadly, prejudice. Those who inhabit this world come from children of mine, which technically would make them legacies. However, they do possess power which is unlike most legacies."

"So they're legacies of you but not really?" Tydon followed the Lady Heacte with his eyes. "Where does the prejudice come in? And why is Percy there?"

Hecate picked up a figurine that was on a shelf and turned it around in her hands before placing it back where she had found it. "Yes, they are a, how mortal scientist would put it, sub-species of Demigods. Unfortunately, these people did not escape from the cruelty of a preconceived notion that others are better simply because of who they are born as. There is species prejudice, which is what you would be categorized in I suppose, and blood prejudice.

The blood prejudice is mostly based off of who you are related too. Those who have a long line of only wizards or witches are called pure-bloods. Those who are born to a family of non-magical people, or as you would call them: mortals, are called muggleborns. Another name for muggleborns is mudbloods, but I strongly recommend that you never say that word. The last category is Half-Blood- this is of no relation to the mythological Half-Blood's - these are the people who have both magical and non-magical blood in their family line.

However, there are two subcategories. Blood-Traitors and Squibs. Blood-Traitor is a name that is only used by the most stuck up pure-blood lines. It is a title given to other pure-bloods who associate themselves with either mortals or muggleborns. A Squib is someone who is born to a magical family but does not possess magic. Do you understand so far?"

The Goddess turned to Tyson, her violet dress flowing behind her as she continued walking around the room. Her eyes fell upon a gaudy statue - Poseidon needed help with his decor - before landing on Tyson as he nodded his head.

The Goddess nodded as well, more so to herself than to Tyson, as she picked up some book and flipped it open to a random page. "Good. Let us continue with the species prejudice. The creatures of this world have a much harder time surviving the prejudice, so you will need to be careful about revealing exactly what you are. Most creatures are referred to as a Beast as they are deemed to be 'Dark'.

In my oh-so-humble opinion, creatures in this world are neither Dark or Light. There can be cruel and mean creatures but to doom a whole species because of one bad decision is not right. Most, if not all, of the so called 'Dark' creatures embrace the title given to them because they have no other choice. It is the magical community's fault.

Dark and Light will always exist, but the magical community fed the Dark with those willing to fight for the Light. It diminished the Light's number and increased the Dark's power, creating a huge schism where there was once only a tiny crack. Let's not get to deep into the politics of the Wizarding World just yet.

A good chunk of the society is either scared of or completely despise creatures. A few examples are Vampires, Werewolves, Giants, and Cyclopes. There are of course many more."

Tyson watched as she flipped through the book, glancing at the page before turning to a new one. She grew bored of the book about boats and promptly closed it and placed it back on the shelf.

The Goddess seemed to be done speaking as she browsed the bookshelf, probably looking for a new book to peak her interest for thirty seconds before she grew bored of that as well.

Tyson awkwardly looked around the room before gathering the courage to speak. "Lady Hecate, I thank you for teaching me about this world. However, and I do not mean to sound rude or demanding, can you help me?"

The Lady Hecate in question spun around to face him, a delicate hand placed in her cheek as she grinned dangerously at him. "Of course I can help. Though it may take a while in order to acquire the solution needed for this particular situation. I need you to do two things in return."

"I'll do anything!" Tyson immediately responded.

The Goddess grinned, it was the kindest smile she had though it still seemed quite sinister. "The first thing you need to do is write this girl and ask when is the soonest you can see Perseus. The second thing is a favor, or a debt if you will."

Tyson, a little uncertain about the debt, still agreed to her requests. Yet again the beautiful Goddess grinned, her pearly white teeth showing. "If the time I need your help ever comes, I will cash in this debt. Do we have a deal?"

She stuck out her hand and Tyson grabbed it, shaking it he replied. "We have a deal, Lady Hecate."

Her ominous laugh echoed around the cabin as the deal was sealed. Not another word was shared between the two as Hecate left the same way she came in, with a loud crack. Her mode of transportation confused Tyson as there was no flash but he didn't question it, deciding that it must be a magic thing. Another thing that confuses him was how she knew that it was a girl who had written him. Though he just chalked it up to be exactly how the Olympians, or rather Athena, found the girl in the first place. Strangely, he never found out how they found Ginny.

Hope you guys enjoyed. Schools starting again soon and I have yet to write the essays assigned. Wish me luck!

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