Chapter 20

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Tyson calls Poseidon Daddy, right? That's what I remember anyway and that's what he calls him in this story so, sorry if that's not right.

3rd POV ~ Right after Percy left the kitchen the first time

As soon as Perseus left the room everyone started speaking at the same time. Sirius rose his voice above the others, "If he really is that powerful than this changes everything!"

Mrs. Weasley have him a scolding look, "It changes nothing!"

"Mrs. Weasley is right, if we don't teach him then he'll resent us. That would send him too the Dark, which would be more than willing to teach him," Hermione agreed.

Remus, the voice of reason, spoke up, "Lets get Dumbledore, he'll know what to do."

The rest of the adults murmured in agreement at the idea of getting there leader. Mr. Weasley stood from his seat, "I'll floo call him, he's in his office at Hogwarts right?"

His wife nodded at him and and he rushed out to the fireplace. Mrs. Weasley then turned to all the teenagers, "When the Headmaster gets here you lot need to go up to your rooms."

When they opened their mouths to argue she added, "No ifs, ands, or buts!"

When Dumbledore walked through the kitchen door, Mrs. Weasley looked at the teenagers and pointed out the door. They groaned but complied, taking their sweet time to walk, hoping they'd start. But no one spoke until Mad-Eye Moody said they were up the stairs.

Dumbledore sat down in a chair at the head of the table, "Now what seems to be the problem?"

Mad-Eye Moodys gruff voice spoke, "That Perseus kid is more powerful than we thought, that's the problem!"

Dumbledores eyes twinkled as he smiled, "That just means we have more need to teach him."

"But what if he goes Dark?" Sirius asked.

Dumbledore's eyes lost a small bit of twinkle, "You all still think that simply because he has the same blood as Voldemort that he is Dark? If that is the case then I'm afraid we can't trust you Sirius, after all the Blacks are a big supporter of the Dark?"

Sirius spluttered, "That's different! I'm nothing like my family!"

"And we have no clue if Perseus is anything like his relative, so we have no right to judge." Dumbldore argued.

Everyone argued back and forth for an hour before Mad-Eye Moody shushed them all, "Shut up! Someone's coming."

Mrs. Weasley immediately assumed that it would be one of the kids eaves dropping and flung open the door when a knock sounded, ready to yell. "What did I tell you about disturbing - oh hello Perseus! Is something wrong?"

Persues smiled at her politely, "No, nothing's wrong. I don't mean to disturb you but my Bowtruckles hungry and won't leave me alone until I feed him, but his food is shrunken. I was wondering if you would enlarge it for me?"

Mrs. Weasley nodded quickly and pulled out her wand. Perseus placed the bag of food on the floor and she waved her wand, "Engorgio."

The bag quickly grew and the Bowtruckle squeaked in excitement. Perseus smiled at her, "Thank you so much, Mrs. Weasley. I'll see you at dinner."

Mrs. Weasley smiled back and closed the door as he walked away. She turned back to the group in the kitchen, "That sweet boy is who you are accusing of being a killer!"

"He could be faking!" Sirius burst out.

Mrs Weasley waved her hand, "If he was Dark and plotting against us, then he would be trying to get as much information as possible! Instead he sits in his room all day and only comes out for meals!"

Sirius didn't reply and neither did anyone else, they all knew she was right. What does he get out if hiding in his room all day? Mrs. Weasley huffed and moved towards the stove, "Now that that's over, I need to get started on dinner."

Everyone silently watched as she waved her wand and started cooking. Dumbledore stood, "I need to be going, lots of paperwork."

He walked out the door and they heard the floo, showing that he had left.

~Line break~

3rd POV ~ On Olympus

The Olympian Gods and Goddesses of Olympus were in a meeting, joined once again by the Seven, Nico, and Thalia. This time, however, there was one more person, Tyson, half-brother of Perseus.

Tyson, who is sitting next to his father's throne, looked around the room. "Why am I here?"

Everyone decided that Athena should explain. She rolled her eyes and sighed before speaking. "We want you to write a letter to one of Percy's friend. We're hoping that she'll tell Percy that you write him and then Percy will want to see you."

Confusion was easily read in Tysons eyes, "But what if he doesn't want to see me?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it." Athena shrugged.

Tyson nodded and Athena snapped her fingers, making a table with a piece of paper and a pen appear in front of Tyson. He picked up the pen before looking up at Athena, "What's that girls name?"

"Her name is Ginny."

He nodded and began to write.

Dear Miss Ginny,
My name is Tyson. I know you don't know who I am and I don't really know who you are, but a relative told me that you know my big brother, Perseus Jackson. I haven't heard from him since the rest of our family hurt him. I would really like to talk to him, maybe even see him! I understand if you just throw this letter out and never think of it again, but just ask Percy about his little brother Tyson and he'll tell you all about me! If you believe that I'm telling the truth then I would love it if you could help me see my brother again. Anyway, I'm sorry for taking up your time with this letter. Have a good day!


Tyson placed the letter into the envelope on the desk and sealed it. "Now what?"

Athena took the letter and gave it to an owl, "Take this to Ginny, she's in London and she's a young red haired girl that speaks to Percy Jackson."

She turned away from the owl as it flew away, "Now we wait."

Sorry it's so short! I'm just trying to get the ball rolling. Anyway I'm not home anymore and being on vacation is exhausting, I can't feel my feet anymore and my migraines are out of control. But enough about my misery, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Be on the way for the next one.

( *.* )


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