Chapter 23

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So, I just want to say that if I don't update for a while it's because I've lost electricity. Where I live is about to get it by a major hurricane so I'm prepping for that and trying to write as well as other stuff in my life. Wish me luck for this hurricane and enjoy the chapter!

3rd POV

Perseus lifted an eyebrow as he smirked. "Where else would I be to eat dinner?"

Ginny's turned a shade of red as her elder brothers, Fred and George, snickered at her embarrassment. She quickly ran to her chair. "Well how should I have known. You're the one that always holes up in your room". She mumbled quietly but Perseus still heard her.

"I'm sorry, Gin-Gin, but you'll need to speak up louder. I can't hear the insults you're attempting to say."

She, once again, flushed red as her mother began serving food. She quickly started to eat to avoid talking.

Perseus quietly laughed so she couldn't hear but stopped when μαγεία snacked him.

'Feed me.'

He rubbed his arm and glared at her. 'That is not how you ask.'

'I wasn't asking, Master.'

'Maybe I would feed you if you asked first.'

'You would feed me anyway.'

'That's not true!'

'I know you, Master. You're too nice to not listen to me.'

'I may be nice but I'm still not going to do it.'

'But you were going to earlier!'

'That was before you hit me.'

'Master, I'm sorry! Please feed me, Master, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please forgive me!'

Perseus looked at her in concern. μαγεία was wiggling around and grasping his shirt with her front paws. She started up at him with wide eyes that were starting to water. He instinctively pulled her closer to him and started to stroke her fur.

'Its fine, μαγεία. I forgive you. I'll feed you, now calm down. I would still feed you even if you hit me.'

'Really, Master?'

'Of course. You're my familiar and I care about you. If you want me to feed you then I'll feed you.'

μαγεία rubbed her head against his shirt before he turned her around to face the table. She opened her mouth for the food that Perseus put in front of her face. Soon enough her plate was empty and Perseus, true to his word, was half way finished with his second plate.

Perseus was quiet during dinner, well quieter then usual. Normally he would at least attempt a conversation with Ginny or Hermione, maybe even one of the twins. But tonight he just sat and ate his dinner and only spoke to μαγεία, not that anyone else would know.

He split that last half of his dinner with his familiar so she would stop complaining about missing lunch. As always, he was the first to be finished with dinner. He stood with μαγεία in his arms. "Dinner was great, Mrs. Weasley."

Perseus Riddle *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now