Chapter 32

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3rd POV

Perseus was in the same position when the sun started to shine through the window. His back was perfectly straight as he sat in the chair, his hand was clenched tightly and laid on top of the desk. He slowly turned his head as sunlight blinded him.

His gaze landed on μαγεία, her smallish body attempted to take up as much space on the bed as possible. She was spread out in the starfish position, her head turned toward him as she lightly snored. Her nose started to rapidly twitch, as if something was bothering it.

μαγεία sneezed suddenly and loudly, waking herself up in the process. She looked around the room wildly as she leaned back on her front paws. "Master Perseus?"

Perseus looked at her with amusement in his eyes. "Yes, μαγεία?"

Her eyes landed on him as she fully sat up. "Why aren't you in bed? What time is it?"

Perseus stood from the chair, his bones cracking and he did so. The stiff position throught the night had taken a toll on him. "I'm not sure what time it is, I have only just woken up a little while ago."

The lie tasted bitter, he wasn't even technically saying anything and it just felt so horrendous. He was used to lying about the little things like eating, sleeping, and the one question that bothered him the most: 'are you okay?'.

It felt off though, to be lying to his familiar. He had never lied to her before so he didn't know why he was now. He assured her, or more so himself, that he was fine. He sat next to her on the bed and she stared up at him, making the difference in height almost comical.

He gave her a small smile as he rubbed her head. The Bowtruckle - whose name Perseus had finally decided upon and was just waiting for him to wake up - started to stir. Small chirps came from his little home and Perseus walked over to him and poured some food into the Bowteuckle's bowl. "How do you feel about the name Boone?"

The Bowtruckle squeaked widely in agreement. He reached over and hugged Perseus' finger, as its the only body part he could reach.

Perseus let out a small chuckle, "Boone it is then."

He nudged Boone in order for him to let go of his finger and eat is breakfast. He straightened from his leaning position and went to his new wardrobe. "I am going to take a shower and change," Perseus grabbed some clothes before walking over to the bathroom. "We'll go for breakfast after I finish."

Perseus closed the bathroom door as he muttered to himself. "If they decide that I'm not a threat and can join breakfast like a civil human being."

The steaming water from his shower had fogged up the mirror. His towel hung loosely around his waist as he used his hand to wipe a spot of the mirror so he could see himself.

He didn't like what he saw.

Most people would have seen a boy with dripping wet raven hair and sea-green eyes.

All he could see was that scar. The one that cut across his face. The Mark of Poseidon. When a child of a God gets disowned, they get marked as a way to signify it. A child of Athena loses their intelligent eyes and a child of Apollo's golden hair turns a dull shade of brown. It's different for children of the Big Three, when disowned they get one of the three Mark's. A child of Hades gets the Mark of Hades, they get nasty scars on their face that are black and resemble the Helm of Darkness. A child of Zeus would get the Mark of Zeus, which is scat that goes along the length of their back. It resembles Zeus' Lightning Bolt.

It's different for children of Poseidon. Their mark always depends on their Fatal Flaw. His was loyalty, his scar takes after the person he feels he betrayed the most. Luke Castellan.

Everytime he looks in the mirror all he can see is the Mark of Poseidon. The Mark of his Betrayal. The Mark of Luke.

It had apparently become his thing to slam his fist whenever he felt frustrated. This time was no different. His fist pounded against the mirror, cracking it and drawing blood. Perseus didn't notice the blood, or the glass stuck in his hand. He did what he was good at, he ignored the pain and went on about his day.

μαγεία was still sitting on the bed silently when Perseus emerged from the bathroom fully clothed with blood dripping from his hand. Her eyes widened at the sight of his blood and she began yelling at him, worried about what happened.

She was ignored by him and that only made her angry. Whatever scolding she was about to give him was interrupted by the pounding of feet running past the bedroom. Perseus slowly walked up to the door and hesitantly twisted the doorknob. When the door opened an inch he let out a sigh of relief and went back to pick up μαγεία, leaving the door open a crack.

On his way out he grabbed his school bag, which he had stuffed with all of his school essentials because he did not want to return the dorm, and told Boone that he would return later that day.

Perseus closed the door behind him silently and still ignored the raccoons chattering as he walked down the stairs and left the Common Room.

He kept walking, not knowing if Luna had already left the Tower with the other First Years. Perseus didn't want to wait so he retraced the steps he made the night before.

Soon he was back in front of the doors leading to the Great Hall. He wasn't sure what time it was but the loud chatter coming from the room told him that it wasn't super early. He softly pushed on the doors and entered the room. Luna was already sitting by herself. She was picking at her food and didnt notice when he sat down next to her until μαγεία started to chatter at her.

She turned to face him abruptly, placing a hand over her hear. "Perseus, you frightened me!"

"Sorry, Luna. I thought you saw me walk in." He smile softly at her.

It's true, his entrance had warranted the stares of nearly every other student at Hogwarts, so naturally he had assumed she saw him enter as well.

Luna waved off his apology. "You've made it just in time. Professor Flitwick is just about to give us our schedules."

μαγεία started begging for food and Perseus reached for some as he nodded along to whatever Luna was talking about. His movements halted when Luna screeched. "What happened to your hand!?"

Perseus jerked his hand away from the stares everyone was giving him. He stuttered out an excuse, which he muttered so low that no one heard him.

Even some from the Staff Table were staring at him, those people being Professor Snape, Mcgonagall, Dumbledore, Flitwick, and Umbridge. Each for their own reasons. Even the Gryffindor Trio made up of Harry, Ron, and Hermione were staring at him suspiciously- well it was mostly the former two that were staring.

Perseus Riddle *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now