Chapter 21

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3rd POV

It was night, just after dinner to be exact. The adults were chatting in the kitchen, the twins were experimenting in their room, and the Golden Trio sat in the living room exchanging theories about things they didn't know. Perseus left to his room as soon as he, or rather μαγεία, finished his dinner. Ginny, who isn't in any of the group's prior, went to her room and was surprised when she spotted an owl sitting on her foot board.

She didn't recognize the owl but still untied the letter from it's leg. Once free of the letter the owl flew over to sit on her desk, silently telling Ginny that it needs a reply. Ginny, still skeptical of the letter, sat on her head and thought about if she should open it or not. Her name was on the envelope so the sender knew who she is.

She didn't know if there were any curses, hexes, or jinxes on the letter, but the adults would just take the letter. The only other people who can use magic were her older brothers, but the Twins would possibly try to have her test one of their products in return.

So, she decided to risk it and just open it. There were no curses, or jinxes, or hexes, but what was on the letter was just as shocking.

Dear Miss Ginny,
My name is Tyson. I know you don't know who I am and I don't really know who you are, but a relative told me that you know my big brother, Perseus Jackson. I haven't heard from him since the rest of our family hurt him. I would really like to talk to him, maybe even see him! I understand if you just throw this letter out and never think of it again, but just ask Percy about his little brother Tyson and he'll tell you all about me! If you believe that I'm telling the truth then I would love it if you could help me see my brother again. Anyway, I'm sorry for taking up your time with this letter. Have a good day!


Ginny's mouth was open in shock. Perseus has a brother! She sat still on her bed, contemplating her choices. Go to adults, or ask Perseus?

She decided against bothering the adults and Perseusat this hour and would instead wait to speak to Perseus at breakfast the next morning. She gave the owl a treat, put together in her nightstand drawer. She watched the owl fold it's head under it's wing before settling into her own bed.

~The Next Morning~

Percy POV

I woke up with a gasp, sitting up slowly as to not disturb the raccoon sleeping on my chest. A sheen of sweat dripped down my face as I thought about my recent dream, or rather memory. I looked over at the Bowtruckle and smiled at him rocking in his hammock. My shifting seemed to wake μαγεία as she shook her head, made a high pitched sound, and sat up on her hind legs.

'Master, what time is it?'

'Not sure exactly, but probably around seven. I hear people downstairs, most likely getting breakfast ready.'

At the word 'breakfast' μαγεία started pawing at his chest. 'Master, I want breakfast! I'm hungry, Master.'

I rolled my eyes and got out of bed, leaving her there. 'First I have to change.'

μαγεία huffed, 'Hurry up.'

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