VIII. too little, too late

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Chapter Eight:
Too Little, Too Late

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November 15th,

When Archer walked into the Ravenclaw Common Room on Tuesday morning, he discovered that the prefects had pinned several pieces of parchment up on the notice board. One of them read:

Saturday, November 19th: 10AM to 4PM
Reminder: Third years and above only!

This was the first Hogsmeade weekend trip the school year and Archer could hardly contain his smile. His stash of Drooble's Best Blowing Gum was dwindling—it could use a top up from Honeydukes. Plus, his mind was starting to turn into mush with all the studying he had been doing, so it would be good to have a break.

A voice pulled him out of his thoughts:


He turned around to see Dhruv walking through the entrance of the Common Room. Dhruv grinned at him and Archer smiled back, glad that his friend was back to feeling like his usual self after the Quidditch incident.

"Guess what," Dhruv said as soon as they were in close enough range to talk. He appeared positively thrilled, his lips pulled into a delighted smile.


"I've got a date for Hogsmeade!" Dhruv could hardly contain his excitement.

Archer's eyebrows flew up. "Really? That's great, man."

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