~ Chapter 6 ~

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*Time skip*
Location: School

Jungkook focus

The bell rang to signal the start of lesson and fortunately for Jungkook that lesson was maths. Now Jungkook was good at maths he always had been but not everyone enjoyed his input. But today Jungkook was eager for the lesson to end. Namjoon had said before lessons had started that he wanted all of Bangtan to meet up at the rooftop as he had something he needed to share and it was just one more lesson until he found out what namjoon wanted and the look on his face had suggested that it was a serious matter.

Jungkook looked around the classroom as the teacher started the lesson, mumbling on about something to do with triangles. Jungkook had no idea what was going on as his attention had yet again been grabbed by a particular girl. The same girl he had been looking for at the party last night.

She looked as if someone has just run over her puppy and then proceeded to get out of the car and stab the already dying dog until there was no way that it could be saved and then ran it over again as they drove off in their car.

But today there seemed to be something more hidden behind her eyes that were cast into shadows from the curtain of hair that hid half her face. It could have been this deliberate act of hiding away that made Jungkook want to know more about this girl but somehow he didn't believe that that was the case.

She slammed her head on her desk and Jungkook flinched at the horrendous noise it made. She did this quite often and it became an increasing worry for Jungkook as the pain she must recieve from doing it so often must be quite intense.

Mi Sun focus:

As Mi Sun slammed her head into her desk for the fifth time that lesson bearing in mind that the lesson had only just started she sighed as she felt her usal tears form in the corners of her eyes and threaten to spill over the top of her eyelids and roll down her face. She couldnt quite tell if the tears were because she felt like a complete daikure or if it was due to the pain that radiated from her head. The pain however reminded her that she was still alive and not just another invisible piece of shit that no one ever noticed. Even though it was true.

The teacher just couldn't teach to save her life, she couldn't control class and she was hopeless at explaining the lesson in a way that anyone actually understood. Or at least that was how Mi Sun saw the dreaded lessons.

In the past the teacher had mistaken a quite clear "I don't get what we are doing" for a "I totally understand what I'm learning ". It was hopeless!!

So Mi Sun was just left to feel like shit as everyone else around her was just getting on with their work, whilst she still didn't have a clue. And the constant "It's so easy" were another thing that wound her up.

If it was so bloody easy then why the hell could she not complete the work?? And the way the other students in the class acted just made Mi Sun feel worse. Especially one arrogant boy called Jungkook. Mi Sun stuggles to ask for help as it is, as she sees it as a sign of weakness and a chance for even more people to judge her and Jungkook just seemed to make everything worse when it came to asking for help because the vibe he gave out really puts Mi Sun off from asking him for help as she had been told to do before, as EVERYTHING is so bloody easy for him and it makes her feel like she should know how to do the lesson but she never has a clue. So she is just left to struggle on her own!!

Mi sun felt like she was expected to know all of the content in the lessons straight away and be able to keep up with everyone else but instead Mi Sun was just falling further behind. Slowly digging herself a deep dark hole that eventually seemed impossible to climb out of.
Hey guys sorry for the long wait but I've finally overcome my writers block and published the next chapter!! And it's actually kinda long!! Hope it's alright, probably won't have been worth the wait. 😅😅

Also if any of you get confused by the storyline feel free to comment and say so and I'll happily explain the best I can as sometimes I feel like it makes sense to me but not to you. So feel free to question the story.


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