~ Chapter 13 ~

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"You don't have to tell me, that's fine but please do not get involved in my business. People will get hurt that don't deserve too and I don't want that. I get what I get because I'm a horrible person. I don't help myself. I push people away and then wonder why I fuck everything up and why I struggle"

(For these next parts Jungkook's speech will be written in italics and Mi Sun will be written in bold. It's just to make it clear as to who is speaking. It will go back to normal next chapter)

Jungkook sat up in shock. This was not what he had expected. He left reality for a second but now he was right back in the present. "Why on earth would you think that. Of course your not a horrible person. You may struggle but that's only human. If you need help then actually asking for help would be my main advice to you. You need to use the resources and help that's offered. People are there to help so talk to them, they can help."

Mi Sun looked away and walked to the window "It's not that easy, I can't ask for help"

"Look no one deserves that kind of treatment especially you. I mean...." Jungkook sighed "I know I don't know you personally but" Mi Sun interrupted him "NO ONE KNOWS ME!! I don't even know myself. That's the whole point. I never asked for all this and in all honesty it's killing me. I'm done and I don't want anything to do with this any more. I'm done"

"What do you mean your done? You can't just give up. Giving up only gets you back where you started"

"Well what's the point? My own dad beats me, I have no friends, I'm fucked up in the head and I'm drowning in my own thoughts but everyone is too fucking busy to bloody notice!! Why don't they notice? Well that's bloody obvious. I'm not someone people would miss if they died. I'm a nobody! No one cares so, no one would be hurt by me not being here anymore"

"Yeah well I want you alive. I may not know you well but I can see that you deserve so much more. You have so much potential but yet you hide it behind a pair of earphones and your long hair. You are worth so much more than you believe!"

"Well maybe I don't want to be alive. Maybe I just want it all to go away. *Under her breath* Maybe I want to be okay" Mi Sun lent against the window as silent tears rolled down her face.

Jungkook wanted to comfort the girl but he didn't know how'd she'd react, so he say there and listened to every word she said. Even the ones she thought he didn't hear."And then what? Once you're dead?"

"Then the world will carry on spinning. Nothing would change and I don't expect it to"

"You'll just pass your pain onto everyone else and you'll be too dead to enjoy being free of it. Placing pain on everyone else while you're unable to enjoy your freedom. The world will keep spinning when the most popular people die as well so with your logic you have the same worth as they do"

"But I don't do I? They're quite clearly worth so much more, so we are nowhere near to the same level. So many people cared for them. What do I have?? A father that beats me!! Yep I feel so cared for"

"Yeah okay they do have many people that care about them but did anyone really know them?? If you kill yourself it may not reach a million people but to those closest to you it'll be like they're feeling a million people's pain"

"OMG! You still don't get it do you. I have no one to care for me. It's always been me, myself and I and it's never gonna change"

"I care. I've seen this before and I care greatly and I want to help"

"Why? Give me one good reason why YOU care? YOU of all people. Your a Bangtan boy for God's sake. Why do YOU care?"

"Because I do. I have no reason I just do. You fucking deserve it and i can't stand to see this kind of pain on someone's face. It pains me to see it. Let me help"

"I don't want your fucking help. I've been fine on my own for so long I cant go back to trusting other people because I will always get stabbed in the back. So if I don't trust anyone I can't get hurt"

And with that Mi Sun grabbed her shoes from near the front door and ran.

She ran right into the road.

She didn't see the car that was hurdling down the road.

Hey guys,

So I'm just going to stop with these extra bits at the end becaus I never know what to put and it kind of kills the vibe of the book.

Hope it was alright

Bye 💜💜

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