~ Chapter 15 ~

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Mi Sun POV:

I woke up in terror, my whole body was over heating and shaking. The icy tendrils of the monster that had been plaguing my dreams still held me tight. I could move but the urge to panic pinned me in my place.

I needed my balcony. The doors would open wide and I could easily walk out into the night air. It wasn't a huge balcony, only big enough for a couple steps forward from the doors but it was mine. My escape from the horror that chased me when I slept.

With great effort I some how manage dig past the panic and fear that were knotted together in the pit of my stomach and prise myself away from the trap that is the entangle blankets.

My feet, heavy to lift, find themselves in front of the back door. The crystalized rose set into the glass sparkled in the moonlight but I didn't stay long to marvel in the natural beauty.

I needed to get outside.

There was something about the night time that has always had me captivated. Something about the stillness of it all I suppose, the once busy and teeming with life streets returned to a natural state of paralyzation, as if time itself has been suspended.

No one else around either  besides the occasional car silently rolling past or the wandering lost soul out on a midnight stroll. Makes me wonder and question why they're out and about at a time when everyone should be tucked away inside.

The stillness of the night also calms something within me as well. It allows me to just....exist, to be a part of a stolen moment that not many others get a chance to steal. The usual busy thoughts that consume my mind stop. They just disappear. My mind empties out, but not so I feel empty inside but where I feel a sense of calm. I feel in control almost.


Because I know it won't last. It never does, by morning it's all gone and back to the manic chaos that is life.

But I take every opportunity I can get to break free of my demons, even if it's only for a few hours. I take it. No matter what.

Mi Sun focus:

Mi Sun leans against the decking just beyond the back door. The relief of being out in the open night air was immense.

Moonlight bounced around the quiet garden as silvery stars where left behind in the inky midnight sky.

The only sound Mi Sun could hear was the gentle breeze caught among the leaves of the nearby trees and her calm and steady heartbeat.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2019 ⏰

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