~ Chapter 14 ~

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Jungkook POV:

"Why do YOU care?"

God this was tearing me up inside, how could she not see that I do care?? But then I realised how.

"Because I do. I have no reason I just do. You fucking deserve it and i can't stand to see this kind of pain on someone's face. It pains me to see it. Let me help"

"I don't want your fucking help. I've been fine on my own for so long I cant go back to trusting other people because I will always get stabbed in the back. So if I don't trust anyone I can't get hurt"

And with that she ran.

"Mi Sun!!" "Mi Sun wait" 


Why wouldn't she listen??

"Mi Sun come back!!"

I gave chase

Shit!! She was in no state to be running around on her own

She was in the road  now.

And headlights were flying towards her.

"MI SUN!!"

Without a seconds thought I lunged for her.

(From here on all speech is back to normal unless specified)

Jungkook focus:

The car rushed past as Jungkook held tightly on to the vulnerable girl in his arms. They were both shaking.

Neither of them said a word as Jungkook picked Mi Sun up and took her back inside.

*Time skip*

Mi Sun was curled up in a ball at the end of the sofa under the blanket Jungkook had draped over her, she had fallen back asleep after the  incident in the road but if Jungkook  were to look at her now he could almost act as if nothing had happened. Almost.

Jungkook sighed. He really should be going to sleep himself as he had to get up at 5 and that was only 4 hours away but something kept him up.

Later was going to be hell if he didn't go to sleep now. Unless? Jungkook shook his head, he couldn't call in sick to work he needed the money. Or could he.

Jungkook knew he needed the money but he felt that Mi Sun would need him more. Just this one time he decided. The first and only time he would do this.

*Time skip*

It was two hours later and still Jungkook was awake. Earlier was still playing on repeat in his head. It wasn't the incident itself that was causing this but more what Mi Sun had said afterwards.


Once back inside Jungkook's heart began to slow down. He carefully placed Mi Sun on to the sofa and went to the kitchen. She still hand't said a word but then again neither had he. He turned the kettle on and prepared to make hot chocolates for them both. Jungkooks hands shook slightly as he measured out the hot chocolate powder into the cups, he let out a deep sigh.

A couple minutes later he was handing Mi Sun her drink with an extra topping of whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles.

Jungkooks speciality.

Back when him and his brother were together this was their go to drink. Feeling sad? Celebration? Cold? Or just because? It was always a hot chocolate speciality.

Jungkook shook his head to remove the memories from his mind. He needed to focus on Mi Sun.

They sat in silence for a while until Mi Sun spoke. "I'm sorry" Jungkook turned to look at her "For what exactly?" She flinched.

He winced in response as he realised that it had come out a little meaner than intended.

"I'm sorry for all of it. For everything. The yelling, the shitty words, the almost getting hit by a car and risking your life as well as mine."

The next bit was said more to her self than to Jungkook but he still heard it and his eyebrows shot up in surprise and concern.

"Not that it would have been such a bad thing me getting hit" louder than before she carries on

"But it was stupid to risk your life. You may be a Bangtan Boy but that is no excuse. You brought me into your home and having been trying to help and all I've done is cause trouble and issues. So I'm sorry for everything that has happened since we've met. If you wish me to leave then I will because I haven't done anything to deserve your kindness"

Mi Sun gets up to leave but Jungkook grabs her hand and pulls her back to her seat.

"No. You don't have to leave and you don't have to earn my kindness, everyone deserves kindness, some more than others but seriously there is no way I'm letting you leave"

The relief that flooded Mi Sun's face was immense. Guarded and wary but the obvious relief was clear to see.

*Back to the present*

As Jungkook watched over the girl he noticed her twitching every now and then, as if even when asleep the poor girl couldn't get a moments rest.

He felt bad for the girl and he genuinely wanted to help her out but Jungkook knew he couldn't keep Mi Sun hidden away forever. And he also knew he could never skip work again especially if both of them were going to stay here. They would also have to set up some kind of rules that they both had to follow. Otherwise things would only get worse.

For both of them.

But for now he let Mi Sun sleep. They could talk in the morning.

Right now they both needed get some rest.

And with that Jungkook felt his consciousnes slip away as easily as a feather caught in the breeze.

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